Prof. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University
Dr. Hugh Ross Talks about the Latest Discovery Which Proves the Universe Has a Beginning
Amb. Prof. Shimon Shamir, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University
Birgitt Hoffmann, Professor of Iranian Studies at University of Bamberg - Germany
Prof. Irene Schneider, University of Goettingen, Dept.of Arabic & Islamic Studies
Mohammed Zuhair, Vice President of Center for Islamic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Charles Asher Small, Founding Director and President of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP)
Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Prof. Dr. Datuk Osman Bakar , Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, and Deputy CEO of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies–Malaysia
Dr. Ben Mollov, Bar-Ilan University, Political Science and Conflict Management
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute
Prof. Hillel Frisch, Departments of Political Studies and Middle Eastern Studies, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. M. El Masry, Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Andras Simonyi,Managing Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington
University of Tunisia, Prof. Mahmoud Dhaouadi
Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector and Founder of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Former Minister of Science of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Ali Asghar Saeidi, Social Prof. of Sociology and Sociology and Social Policy in the University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Sciences, Iran
Dr. Sheikh Ramzy, Director, Iqra Islamic Institute; Founder, Oxford Islamic Information Center, UK, May 9, 2013
Dr. Sibylle Wentker, Centre for Studies in Asian Cultures and Social Anthropology, Institute of Iranian Studies - Austria
Prof. Nazar Al Baharna, Former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Former Dean of Engineering at Bahrain University, Visiting Research Scholar at Georgetown University, ICD Advisory Board Member
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Mr. Esmir Halilovic, Prof. of Islamic Studies and writer, Bosnia