From "The portents of the end times are one single whole" documentary
The future product surplus
Protein production; planned, high in quality, wasteless, a just in time biosynthesis
For men of understanding -I (honeybee, salmon, monarch butterfly, dragonfly)
Senator Lucio Malan, Member of the Italian Senate
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hatemi, Akademisyen, Yazar ve Medeni Hukuk Profesörü
Mr. Adnan Oktar's talk with Sheikh Nazım Al-Qubrusi in 1987
Father Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office, Vatican
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Political Scientist and Historian, The Director of The Maecenata Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin
Mr. Jeff Gardner: Science and Religion Are Compatible
The excellent moral values of believers-3
Wagdi El Kerdani, Businessman - Egypt
Big Bang 2
Kenneth Keathley: Creation Is Essential To Understand God’s Truth
The special network that feeds the heart
Examples of living fossils: Turtles
Hazrat Abu Bakr Sıddıq (r.a) (571 - 634)
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Did Life on Earth Originate from Microorganisms That Came from Mars
Shadows created in order for us to see
Our Prophet's knowledge of the unseen
Who is the first human being
Rabbi Jeffrey Seidel: How We Can Bring The Relations With Turkey And Israel to a Higher Level?
Jaw Fish
The Masjid Al Haram: The great mosque
Kenneth Keathley: Nature Itself Shows There Is No Evolution