Karl Man and Helen Vicret, Taksim Fossil Exibition - February 2015
Mr. Adnan Oktar's February 2018 Media Publications
Living Fossils: Sapindaceae Fossil
Fossil Hunter 2 Fossil Forest
Living fossils refute evolution - 2
Dr. Oktar Babuna on the Voice of Israel Radio, 26 January 2015
What are fossils and how do they form ?
Living Fossils Refute Evolution 4
Sayyid Salih Ozcan, one of the genuine followers of Bediuzzaman: ''Great Mahdi will come in the end times Insha'Allah''
Examples of living fossils: Shark
Examples of living fossils: Turtles
Oktar Babuna on the Steve Malzberg Show (NewsMax TV) – 13/01/2015
Fossils have discredited evolution
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Sheikh Bahaddin, son of Sheikh Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani on A9 TV (February 22nd, 2012)
Examples of living fossils: Sun fish
Sayyid Salih Ozcan, one of the genuine followers of Bediuzzaman, explains that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will discharge all of the three duties together.
Fossil Hunter 3 Mugla Museum
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with his guest Rabbi Yehuda Glick (Jun 30th, 2015)
Sayyid Salih Ozcan, one of the genuine followers of Bediuzzaman, says that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear as A PERSON, and that Prophet Jesus (as) will return.
Fossil Hunter 1 Sea Cow
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live interview with Mr. Kourosh Ziabari of Iran Tehran Times (April 15th, 2015)
Living Fossils Refute Evolution 3
Another transitional fossil deception has been added to the scientific literature
Examples of living fossils: Crocodile
Rabbi Mr. Mordékhai Chriqui and Mr. Avigdor Eskin is praying for the coming of Moshiach