What are fossils and how do they form ?
Dr. Carlo Cossano: What do the fossils tell us?
Dr Fazale Rana: Sudden Appearances of New Forms in the Fossil Record
What food makes us consider
The facts revealed by fossils: No such thing as a "primitive life form" ever existed in any period of history!
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Invalidity of The Miller-Urey Experiment
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Miraculous Nature of The Process of Nitrogen Fixation
Dr. Fazale Rana's Comments on Darwinist Education
What darwinists said, what happened then
Dr. Fazale Rana: "The problems with the panspermia scenarios are legion"
Examples of living fossils: Scorpion
Dr. Fazale Rana Speaks about Mr. Harun Yahya
Examples of living fossils: Shark
Examples of living fossils: Shrimp
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About Irreducibly Complex Systems
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Protein Synthesis: The Queen Mother of All Chicken and Egg Problems"
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Bacteria are God's gift to us"
Examples of living fossils: Turtles
The American scientist guests of Mr. Adnan Oktar – Dr. Fazale Rana – Dr. Anjeanette Roberts – Dr. Jeff Zweerink
Living Fossils: Sapindaceae Fossil
Fossil Hunter 2 Fossil Forest
Fossils have discredited evolution
Examples of living fossils: Pipe fish
Fossil Hunter 4 Conference
What is the root cause of misogynism?