Dr. Carlo Cossano: What do the fossils tell us?
Dr Fazale Rana: Sudden Appearances of New Forms in the Fossil Record
Dr. Fazale Rana: "The problems with the panspermia scenarios are legion"
Dr. Fazale Rana Explains The Complexity of Photosynthetic Bacteria
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why the Theory of Evolution Is Dominant in the Scientific Community
Cambrian fossils and the creation of species
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Comments on Istanbul and the Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe
Examples of living fossils: Scorpion
Examples of living fossils: Trilobite
Examples of living fossils: Crocodile
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Darwinism Has Been Made a Protected Theory
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why Is the Scientific Evidence Challenging the Theory of Evolution Ignored
Living Fossils: Amphibian Fossil
Examples of living fossils: Shark
Living fossils
White Lion Fossil
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Jeff Gardner: The Lack of Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record
Living fossils refute evolution - 1
Dr. Fazale Rana: The Importance of Scientific Struggle Against the Theory of Evolution
The facts revealed by fossils: No such thing as a "primitive life form" ever existed in any period of history!
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: What harm does evolution theory and Darwinism have on humanity?
Dr. Fazale Rana: "The Process of Protein Synthesis Is like a Factory Operation"
Fossil Hunter 5 amber
Examples of living fossils: Lizards