Agricultural ants 1
Agricultural ants 2
Kamal Almezogy, Banker - Libya
Dr. Peter Feldmajer – Vice President of Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary
What did Rashid Bseikri, Libya say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Adnan Oktar’s Guests from the Rohingya Federation of Arakan (11 December 2017)
Mr. Joseph T.Kasaab, Executive Director Chaldean Federation of America
Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, Sabri Sherif
The tower and the closed chamber at the top
Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Saddek Omar Elkaber
Ministry of Transportation, Airport Authority, Libya - Milad Maatouk
Dr. Fadi Khalaf, Secretary General of the Arab Federation of Stock Exchange
Dr. Anwar-ul Ghani – President of Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ, Senior Scientist at the AgResearch Limited Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
Medical Student, Rajash Vahdi - Libya