Dr. Hussamaideen Al Samoraai, Imam and Khatib of Qatar
Lecturer in Iran University
Dr. Leonard Lewisohn, Senior Lecturer on Persian and Sufi Literature at University of Exeter, England
Rasna Warah, Kenya
Imam Rabbani (Imam of wise guidance) (Reviver of the second Millennium)
Prof. Dr. Mazllum Baraliu, Rector of the University of Prizren, Kosovo
Imam Suliman Gani, Tooting İslamic Center, London
Ahmed Hassan Taha, Imam of the Abi Maha The Great Mosque
Imam Yahya Hendi, Founder and President of Clergy Beyond Borders & Muslim chaptain Georgetown University - 3
Prof . Dr. Thomas Gries Makrookonom University of Paderborn
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Lecture During the 1st Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe Held by TBAV (24.08.2016 - Conrad)
Head Imam of the Bosniacs in America, Professor of Theology Sheikh Senad Agic is talking about the portents of the End Times
Minister of Energy - Kenya, Kiraitu Murungi
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Universe Is Formed out of Nothing - Astrophysicist
Dr. Hugh Ross Talks about the Latest Discovery Which Proves the Universe Has a Beginning
Dr. Raya Shani, Instructor on Islamic Art and Architecture at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sheikh Ahmad Yasin Bursavi explains that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is in Turkey.
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Political Scientist and Historian, The Director of The Maecenata Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: “are There Any Other Planets like Earth in the Universe?”
The Miraculous Balance In The Universe
Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Erol
The conversation of our brothers in Germany made with Sheikh Hassan, one of the representatives of his Highness Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Sheikh Bahaddin, son of Sheikh Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani on A9 TV (February 22nd, 2012)
The miracles of the Qur'an: The formation of the universe