Al-Iktissad Wal-Aaamal - Executive Director, Walid Abou Zaki
Return to Reality 2 - Ron Mastro, American Teacher and Businessman
Imam Rabbani (Imam of wise guidance) (Reviver of the second Millennium)
Imam Suliman Gani, Tooting İslamic Center, London
Dr. Paolo Cioni comments on Freud's claim on the origin of faith
Dr. Walid Al-Salhi, International Civil Society Consultant speaks for A9 TV
Alliance of Islam with the People of the Book
Children should be raised with the knowledge of and faith in God
What should we do when our faith is at odds with our reasoning?
Dr Ibrahim Shogar, International Islamic University Malaysia - Islamic Philosophy of Science
Dr. AbedAllah Mahomoud Al Armody, Imam and Khatib, Iraq
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Live Conversation with Imam Mohammed Azizi (from Paris) and Chief Rabbi Izhak Dayan (Geneva) on A9 TV (January 13th, 2016)
As'ad Lath- Islam Channel
He called upon the People of the Book to have faith without ascribing partners to God
Dr. Kingsley Makhubela: Islam Is a Peaceful Religion
What form should an Islamic Union take?
What did Salah Sultan, Founder of Ohio-Based American Center for Islamic Research say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
The fragmentation of Islamic Union
What did Dr. Ali Bashi Omar, Head of Islamic Movement in Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Science in Islamic history
Texas Community Turning to Islam – Part 4 - Eric
The health that comes from faith
NE-YO says Islam is a religion of peace and love
The Prophet (saas) was most considerate and compassionate towards the faithful