Dr. Fazale Rana: "Bacteria are God's gift to us"
Dr. Fazale Rana Speaks about Mr. Harun Yahya
Dr. Fazale Rana Explains How Complex Systems Cannot Emerge Through Chance
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Protein Synthesis: The Queen Mother of All Chicken and Egg Problems"
Dr Fazale Rana: Sudden Appearances of New Forms in the Fossil Record
Dr. Fazale Rana: The Case for Biological Evolution Is Philosophical in Nature
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Darwinism Has Been Made a Protected Theory
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About Irreducibly Complex Systems
Dr. Fazale Rana: The Sophisticated Molecular World Inside the Cell
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Comments on Istanbul and the Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why Is the Scientific Evidence Challenging the Theory of Evolution Ignored
Dr. Fazale Rana’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: Can coincidences or randomness explain the origin of life?
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Darwinism Has Inhibited Scientific Discovery"
Dr. Fazale Rana's Comments on Darwinist Education
Dr. Fazale Rana Explains The Complexity of Photosynthetic Bacteria
Bacteria flagellum
Dr. David Snoke explains How Electrons Orbiting the Nucleus Never Fall Into the Nucleus
The giraffe and its circulatory system
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Everywhere I look I see evidence for God's handiwork"
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Did Life on Earth Originate from Microorganisms That Came from Mars
Can Destiny be Explained by Science?
Dr. Fazale Rana: "The Process of Protein Synthesis Is like a Factory Operation"
Dr. David Snoke Explains How General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Are Not Compatible
Luca Steinmann (Journalist and Lecturer) Explains the Situation of Syrian Refugees in Europe