Computer and internet technology at the service of mankind
The Ark passes into the hands of prophet David (pbuh)
President Petru Lucinschi, Former President of Republic of Moldova
Dr. David Snoke Talks about String Theory
Ambassador David L. Aaron - Senior Fellow at The RAND Corporation / USA
President Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Former President of Malta - Former Minister of Education
David Schenker - Fellow and Director at The Washington Institute / USA
Dr. Ghazi Salahuddin Atabani, President of Sudan's National Congress Party Advisor to the Sudan's President
David Lasar, Parliamentarian from Austria
Sadun Engin live on Radio Islam, Johannesburg (August 10, 2011)
David Spady’s Impression about Mr. Adnan Oktar, A9 TV and Turkey
The National Research Council of Canada, President John Mcdual
Dr. David Snoke, Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Dr. David Snoke Talks About the Fundamental Forces of the Universe
Mr. David Spady’s Expressions about Turkey and Islam
Prof. Houchang Chehabi, President of International Society for Iranian Studies
Dr. David Snoke Explains How General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Are Not Compatible
Douglas Johnston, President and Founder of the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s representative Alkas Cakmak on Ringside Politics with Jeff Crouere at WGSO Radio, August 12, 2016
Rev. Olivier Reigen Wang Genh, President of the Buddhist Union of France
Mufti Dr. Aziz ef. Hasanovic, President of Meshihat of Islam Community in Croatia
Dr. Oktar Babuna on the Radio Islam South Africa, 10 October 2017
Father Prof. Fadi Daou, Maronite Catholic Church President and CEO of Adyan
Ahmad Fahmi Mohd Samsudin, vice President of Abim speaks for A9 TV
Live interview with Adnan Oktar on The Rusty Humphries Show (Talk Radio Network, USA) (June 3, 2010)