Dr. M. Zaher Sahloul, Chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Libyan Turkish Business Council, Dr. Shaban Almountasar
Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani, Deputy Chairman of Majlis A´shura Council of Oman
Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University Stephen M. Walt
International Council of Museums - France, Dr. Arch. Malina Mihailova
Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Committee on Foreign Affairs
The National Research Council of Canada, President John Mcdual
Prof. M. El Masry, Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo
Dr. Fazl ul Hadi Wazeen, Member of Supreme Council, Assistant Professor at the International Islamic University, Afghanistan
Mohamed Jinna, Chairman of United World Halal Development, Singapore
Yousif M. Buzaboon – Chairman of the Bahrain Association for Religious Coexistence & Tolerance
Dr. Abdulla Al-Harrasi, Chairman Public Authority for Radio and TV - Sultanate of Oman
What did Mr. Kreshnik Osmani, Chairman of the Albanian Home Land Party say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Lee Man Hee, Chairman and President of HWPL Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Ögmundur Jonasson, Former Minister of the Interior of Iceland, Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), President of the ICD Program for Human Rights
Basil M. Al Ghalayini, Chairman and CEO of BMG Financial Group- Saudi Arabia
Avi Jorish, Author, Middle East expert, Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council
Dr. Hammam Saeed, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, Jordan
Farid Akhundov, Chairman of the Executive Board for Pasha Bank, Azerbaijan
Nondas Cl. Metaxas, Chief Executive Officer, Director General and Member of the Council at the Cyprus Stock Exchange
Professor Hooshang Amirahmadi, the Founder and President of the American-Iranian Council (AIC), Professor at Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Prof. Steven M. Walt, Harvard University
Chairman of ITEA, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Haggenmueller
Deputy Chairman of Abu AlHaj Holding, Dubai Financial Center - United Arab Emirates, Mr. Mohamad Abu Alhaj
Halldor Asgrimsson, Former Prime Minister of Iceland, Former Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Vice President of the ICD