From "The harmony in the universe" documentary
The precise order in the wavelength of light
Seeing the clear proofs of Allah's existence
How to see what is auspicious
Plants that use helicopters
The error in thinking that man was created by evolutionary stages
The Hypocrite Considers the Shadow States of the World and the Power Groups More Powerful Than God – surely God is beyond that - and Feels Admiration for Them
Father Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office, Vatican
What the human body makes us consider
The Measure of Beauty Created by God: The Golden Ratio - Introduction
The order of the heavens
Those who think they see the distant stars in the sky actually see the stars inside their minds
The Delicate Balance and Order in the Universe
Rabbi Ben Abrahamson is explaining how Judaism sees devout Muslims as perfect monotheists
Dr. Carlo Cossano: What do the fossils tell us?
What does the engineering in nature tell us?
Dr. Hugh Ross: God Had a Purpose in Creating This Universe
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on WDEL 1150 AM, Delaware, US (October 11, 2011)
Dr. Arnon Groiss, Expert on the Arabic Textbooks Used in UNRWA
The facts revealed by fossils: Living things never evolved, but were created in a single moment!
Paradise and hell are also created from nothing
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How Can We Make Use of Viruses Medicine Other Disciplines
The names of Allah: Al Badee' (He Who creates using no pre-existing model)
How to see
The moment the universe was created
God has created the beautiful world of plants and animals