
Adnan Oktar

Weakness of faith is a grave sickness in the End Times. Weakness of faith is the number one issue. Therefore, one must always reinforce one’s faith, through the signs leading to it.
A9 TV; 29 March 2012

Adnan Oktar

Being a follower of the Mahdi (pbuh) is a question of having that bestowed on one. It either happens or it doesn’t. All things happen as Allah decrees. In the same way that Allah decrees who is the Mahdi (pbuh), so He decrees who will be his followers.
A9 TV; 29 March 2012

Adnan Oktar

Every newborn child, without exception, is born Islamic in nature.
A9 TV; 29 March 2012

Adnan Oktar

There is no more friendship, love, art or beauty. There has never been such damage in the world before. These things are a sign of the coming of the Mahdi (pbuh).

Adnan Oktar

The only way for the sufferings in the Islamic world to end is for Muslims to be allied together. Mutual condemnation and cursing is no solution. The solution is Turkish-Islamic Union.

Adnan Oktar

Extremists fall back on tears. But tears are a ruse and a tactic for them. They use them to deceive.

Adnan Oktar

Extremists will oppose Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) because he uses knowledge to break extremism.

Adnan Oktar

Extremists secretly hate our Prophet (saas).

Adnan Oktar

People who say, "Damn Israel!” do not know what they are saying. They are insulting the Prophet Jacob (pbuh). But they do not realize this.

Adnan Oktar

The time of the Mahdi and the reign of Islam will be very brief in the whole history of this world. People who are born now will witness a time of contraction.

Adnan Oktar

The Mahdi (pbuh) will prevail with science, learning and love. That is his destiny. You cannot stop him.

Adnan Oktar

I never have and never will claimed to be the Mahdi. Those who nevertheless accuse me of claiming to be the Mahdi are despicable and immoral.

Adnan Oktar

One cannot become a Mahdi. One is born as a Mahdi. One is created as a Mahdi.

Adnan Oktar

Love, peace and happiness will come with Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Darwinists, this is something for you to rejoice at.

Adnan Oktar

Darwinists, Allah created the whole universe. This is an excellent thing for you. You are under the control of a Sublime Mind.

Adnan Oktar

Even Dawkins has admitted that the existence of protein requires a sublime intelligence.

Adnan Oktar

They say that I have been “” But the fact is their claim of the Earth being only 6,000 years old has made them a laughing stock. I have freed them from that. Creationists in America now use only my books.

Adnan Oktar

When a Darwinist understands the truth about matter he will see he has no direct experience of his body on the outside. The only thing he has direct experience of is an image in his brain.

Adnan Oktar

They have convinced some Muslims that the theory of evolution is true. Were it not for me, they would thus have eliminated Muslims from the pages of history. But I have shown the world there is no evolution in the Qur’an.

Adnan Oktar

Services may look very minor, but they combine together and grow. Allah multiples one seed a thousand times.

Adnan Oktar

Darwinism, the dajjal of the End Times, has enfolded the world and placed many people under its influence. Our brothers must realize the danger.