Weakness in faith is a grave difficulty. Weakness in faith and lack of trust in God is what lies beneath the sufferings people experience in their lives.
People become obsessed with this world in vain. This world is hollow and a very difficult place of trial. In the end everyone ends up in a coffin.
(A9 TV; June 14th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Without profound love, there will be no meaning to Heaven. That is why we are taking a very thorough education with a difficult trial in this world. Without this training, there will be no meaning to Heaven.
(A9 TV; June 14th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey and Russia must restore its relations as soon as possible. Offering an apology is a virtue; apologizing is being gentle. Offering an apology doesn’t degrade a person; on the contrary, it elevates him. Feeling ashamed of apologizing is unbecoming. Apologizing is kindness.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
There is no war between Turks and Kurds in Turkey. Turkey defends itself against terror. The Kurds are the jewels in our crown.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The most humane, merciful and generous country towards refugees is Turkey. The world admires the compassion of Turkey.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
What is essentially needed against terror is an ideological operation. We must show that scientific evidence refutes Darwinist-materialist philosophy.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
In an Islamic country young people are indoctrinated with the theory of evolution and nobody feels baffled about this.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Those scholars of Islam who previously kept saying “The Mahdi has come, he is on duty” for years then started to say that the Mahdi will not come, or that he will come centuries later. The works of al-Suyuti makes it plainly evident that the Mahdi will come in this century.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The system of the antichrist is based on blood shedding. The Mahdi stops bloodshed. The antichrist continues to shed blood. Some time later it will come to an end. In the hadith it is stated that once eyes see the Mahdi, he will be apparent.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Kurds are the jewels in our crowns; they are our beloved ones. We defend ourselves not against Kurds, but against the Marxist, Leninist, irreligious and Godless terror organization, the PKK.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Those who say the portents of the Mahdi have not appeared yet try to hide the hadiths regarding his appearance because they are in a panic. The fact that hundreds of hadith regarding the portents of the Mahdi have come to pass prove the time of the Mahdi has already come.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Instead of making ambiguous statements saying there are some countries behind the PKK, they should frankly say that the British shadow state is behind them.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The Greater Middle East Project’s true meaning was to crush the peoples of the region and divide the Middle East into pieces so as to leave it to the control of the British shadow state.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
If you say Muslims should not be allowed in your country, Islamic countries would respond accordingly. Such a shallow, crude, loveless approach would do no good.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Trump's following such a loveless policy instead of approaching matters with love, compassion and science would put the US in a difficult situation, both politically and economically.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Regarding the End Times, our Prophet foretold that great incidents will follow one another successively and that is what is happening right now.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Terror, violence, killing people, bombing civilians, homosexuality are all atrociousness; they all are atrocious acts that God has forbidden.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Struggle can only be carried out by democratic and ideological means. We can never accept violence or killing.
(A9 TV; June 12th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
We criticize the PKK day and night but we do not say that they must be killed wherever we see them. The law should take care of them.
(A9 TV; June 12th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Some people say not a single word about the children being killed in Syria, Iraq or Mediterranean, but an attack in a different part of the world hits headlines. Remaining silent in the face of the killings of innocent Syrians and Iraqis is also a form of persecution.