
Adnan Oktar

There is no such thing as releasing Öcalan, it is not possible. The one who will release him has not been born yet. The Turkish nation will never let that happen.
A9 TV; January 14th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

They are not expecting the appearance of the Mahdi right now but they will amazingly see that the course of events is taking them there. Their feet will bring them there, even if they don’t want it. Their tongues will speak in that direction even if they, themselves, do not want it. They will have to think in that way.
A9 TV; January 14th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There will be grave incidents. Other than the appearance of the Mahdi, the Moshiach, there is no salvation for the world. You will be amazed, you will be very surprised but this is the truth. God has planned this for the world and He created everything accordingly. This is destiny. There is no other way.
A9 TV; January 14th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Our unity with Azerbaijan should be formed immediately. We are very close with them, we are brothers and everything we have is one. They should abolish passports and visas and people should be able to exit and enter the country without the need of submitting an identity card. It is not right to prolong this issue.
A9 TV; January 14th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Those drawings they have drawn do not belong to our Prophet (saas). The drawer places a mirror in front of him and is drawing, looking carefully at the mirror. This is the whole issue. He draws himself very comprehensively, in full details and those drawings have nothing to do with our Prophet (saas). Our Prophet (saas) was exceedingly handsome.
A9 TV; January 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

High quality, state of the art weapons should be given to our soldiers. Instead of those outdated G3’s, very advanced automatic weapons should be given to soldiers. The state should collect these old, outdated weapons. They should be given full automatic weapons with 2,000 meter, 2,500 meter range. Such a show of strength, such a deterrent power, will solve the issue as a whole.
A9 TV; January 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

We will never give way to separation. There will be no federation. There will be no amnesty. Those who killed our soldiers and policemen will remain in prison for a lifetime.
A9 TV; January 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

France will turn towards religion, towards Islam: Otherwise, there will be no end to such scourges. These are only small incidents testing them. There are currently thousands of cells ready to shed blood in France. People they least expect are in this. This can only be solved with love, compassion, science and knowledge. It will not be solved any other way.
A9 TV; January 12th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

It is of course difficult to take care of seniors, but the good deeds attained by doing that is plenty. God makes it difficult so that the deeds attained there will be plenty. Such good deeds should not be missed.
A9 TV; January 12th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

People should keep their grandparents at home with them. That would bring richness to their homes. Placing them in nursing homes would bring about direness. You can provide the same conditions at home as well. You can reserve a room of your house to them and that would bring about auspiciousness to your home. The hardships and sufferings experienced there will bring about goodness.
A9 TV; January 12th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Before all else you should eliminate the idol of the antichrist. You should first eliminate Darwinism and materialism. With what? With science, with knowledge, with reason and thought. Then you will explain the facts leading to faith and the miracles of the Qur’an. Only then people would come to believe.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Fear of God is the start of love. Those who do not fear God do not know love. Fear of God is the origin of passion and love.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The troubles started to arise after 100 years with all its severity. First, WWI and WWII started because of Darwinism. And now a massacre and a suicide whirlwind has started in the whole world. This scourge will stop with the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), insha’Allah.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

France thought that it is very easy to be atheists. They presumed that it is very easy to be Darwinists, materialists. They have sown the seeds of the antichrist. The system of the antichrist has now started to bear its poisonous fruits.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

France presumed that a Darwinist, materialist education, a Godless education, is something reasonable. They have now caused great trouble for themselves. Those Godless, irreligious youth they have brought up is now forming a great army of afflictions, of scourges. Not only the youth of Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria but also the French youth is like this.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

When incidents are taking place, God commissions His angels everywhere. Nothing happens as a coincidence. Azrael, the angel of death, is the one who takes the lives of all those that die. Taking permission from God, he goes to take the life of a person. The hour and minute of everything is predestined.
A9 TV; January 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Jesus Messiah will draw attention with his sharp intelligence and conscientiousness. He will be very faithful, amazingly religious. His faith would never be shaken.
A9 TV; January 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Alewism is love, it is brotherhood, it is peace, it is bravery, it is courage. Alewism is a system that depicts love very beautifully. There is profundity in Alewism.
A9 TV; January 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Alewism is bravery as the name states. If one feels love for Hazrat Ali (ra) I would love him even more.
A9 TV; January 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Seditions would engulf France, Europe and everywhere else. Bloody, very big incidents will take place in 2015. It will be the same in 2016 and in 2017 as well. A relief period will start in 2019. God would not give relief to people unless they hold on tight to God. And this is only possible with the Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; January 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If people hold on to God, if they love God, God would love them as well. If they forget God, God says “I will forget them as well.”
A9 TV; January 10th, 2015