
Adnan Oktar

The hypocrite imagines he does things himself and is unaware that Allah controls him. That is the great difference with a Muslim, who knows that Allah does all things and has power over him.

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will cause 7 billion people to say, "Lailaha illaAllah Muhammadan Rasulullah."

Adnan Oktar

Asked, “why do you not live by Islam?” he will say, “I have my business, I am busy with checks and things from morning to night, and then there is my family that keeps me occupied.” But since he is unwilling to set time aside for Islam, Allah creates these in such a way as to take up all his time. Allah smothers him in them.

Adnan Oktar

“I have to make money and take care of the children, so you must excuse me.” But if you tell him, “we will give you 100 billion to market a company” then he will work day and night to do that. But if you say, “Do it for Allah” he will say, “I am too busy with my possessions and children.”

Adnan Oktar

They say, “we would have followed you if we knew how to fight.” But if told, “I will give you 300 million a month, so do you now how to fight now?” he will reply, “I will do it perfectly.” That means your faith is weak. You are setting aside eternal paradise. Yet he could be saving lives with that money, giving it to hospitals, but he never thinks of that.

Adnan Oktar

The unification of the Islamic world means paradise on earth.

Adnan Oktar

Islam is contained within the Qur’an. But the hypocrites looks for the deen in the Qur’an, he thinks, but cannot find it. So he turns to nonsense. He puts the Qur’an and that nonsense together and seeks to apply that.

Adnan Oktar

I will not distract Muslims with non-urgent matters. Islamic Union is the most urgent subject.

Adnan Oktar

Our Prophet (saas) had a perfect attitude toward women. Love of woman stems from love of Allah. Love for a child, flowers or cats and dogs all stems from love of Allah. But hypocrites do not realize this as they have no love of Allah.

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are exceedingly joyful, happy and full of life with a healthy mindset. They have clear minds and are full of love.

Adnan Oktar

The most effective matter for people to come to faith is the truth about matter. Most people do not know that images form in the brain. But the truth of the life of this world, paradise, hell and the hereafter all become crystal clear in the mind of one who knows the truth about matter.

Adnan Oktar

Belief in reincarnation is totally illogical. What would happen if one entered a cat? There is nothing educational about it. There is no meaning in terms of testing a person. If a person needs time to mature, he is given plenty of time in this world. Ten days is enough for a person to learn, but Allah bestows 70-80 years. That is plenty of time to learn.

Adnan Oktar

The way of the dajjal prevents Muslims remembering Allah. The prohibition on prayer across the world is the way of the dajjal. But the way of the Mahdi will never submit to that.

Adnan Oktar

People who think deeply can realize Allah’s artistry. That is why He says in one verse; “ONLY THOSE OF HIS SLAVES WITH KNOWLEDGE HAVE FEAR OF ALLAH.” Allah wants Muslims to think all the time, to reflect deeply and have knowledge.

Adnan Oktar

“How can we wait for the Mahdi? How will these 10 years ever pass?” They will pass very excellently, with conversation and talk. There could be no way of the Mahdi without these other times. The finest years of the way of the Mahdi are these years. These are the hardest, but the best years. Afterward, Islam will rule the world. The Mahdi (as) will sit at home and talk, and they will travel about but the merit earned will be very low. In other words, if one earns a trillion merits in difficult times it will not be possible to earn so much in easier times.

Adnan Oktar

If we fully abide by the Qur’an, if we are honest, then Islam will rule the world. Allah’s mercy lies in Islamic Union.

Adnan Oktar

Merit will decline enormously once Islamic moral values have rules the world. Because there will be no pain and suffering and nothing to display fortitude over. There will be no difficulties. Everything may be delightful and easy and fine, but merit will be very low. That is why Almighty Allah is leaving it to the last moment. Almighty Allah is spreading the way of the Mahdi over 40 years so that Muslims can earn very much merit. The death of the dajjal is taking 40 years. That is explicitly stated in the hadiths.

Adnan Oktar

Guns will fall silent once love comes.

Adnan Oktar

The students of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be known for their gentleness and cleanliness and will closely resemble one another.

Adnan Oktar

There was a desire to spread the faith in the time of our Prophet (saas). People concentrated on collecting around our Prophet (saas), being together there and being united. At present, some people regard the fragmentation of Muslims as perfectly legitimate. And that leads to a lack of fertility and potency.

Adnan Oktar

The way of the dajjal affords all kinds of means to those who do not harm its religion. The way of the dajjal is expert at making the world captive with very few numbers. One cannot think any good of the way of the dajjal. It is unacceptable, at a time when the way of the dajjal enfolds the world, not to speak against and wage an intellectual campaign against it.