There is a mindset that wants to tear down the democracy established by Ataturk. The government protects itself against it, and we must support the government. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
There is a mindset that wants to tear down the democracy established by Ataturk. The government protects itself against it, and we must support the government.
Ideological support for the PKK comes from Darwinists and materialists. If the justice system is putting a stop to that, it is doing the right thing.
Adnan Oktar
What I have to say about the PKK to those who say we must come to terms with them is this: "!” as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said.
Adnan Oktar
I address the people that extremists hate and regard as unbelievers or godless. The people I address represent 90% of the population.
Adnan Oktar
There will be music, art, dancing and joy in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be the most joyous and loving person in the world.
Adnan Oktar
The important thing is to make people accept it sincerely. Even if they object in words when you tell them of the Qur’an, they will still be convinced in their hearts.
Adnan Oktar
I have no fear of speaking the truth. I make no concessions on matters of faith. They imagine that my being joyful is some kind of relaxation of the faith. That is out of the question.
Adnan Oktar
The Qur’an gives women a superior position. Women are always at the fore. Our brothers must not be taken in by the extremists’ false interpretation of the Qur’an.
Adnan Oktar
When the irreligious and extremists saw how we are both devout and also enjoy blessings, they realized what a terrible life they had been living.
Adnan Oktar
Life is a single whole under Islam. It cannot be different in a cooking program or religious program. Religion is everywhere. If you assume one state in a restaurant and another in the mosque, then you will be unable to account to Allah for how you behave in the restaurant.
Adnan Oktar
Revelation comes to every person, to every Muslim, but they are unaware of it. Allah causes them to make a reply or say something. Allah reveals it. And we call it inspiration, insha’Allah.
Adnan Oktar
The current silence is a sign of great things. You will see that late 2012 will become very lively.
Adnan Oktar
Everyone receives revelation from Allah, but they are unaware of it. Ants also act in line with inspiration from Allah, as do human beings.
Adnan Oktar
Bigotry is a contest of immorality under the guise of piety.
Adnan Oktar
The model of Islam I describe has alarmed some people. But Islam will enter everywhere, whether these people wish it or not.
Adnan Oktar
The whole world will accept the true Islam of the Qur’an, the one I speak of. That is the way of the Mahdi.
Adnan Oktar
Allah creates many things for people to reflect on, but only for those capable of using their intelligence. If someone cannot use his intelligence, then he will never wake up, no matter what you do.
Adnan Oktar
I will attract the opposition of thousands, but I will always speak the truth. That is my nature.
Adnan Oktar
People will also speak of Allah on beaches and in bars. Religion will enter everywhere. This fact has disturbed certain people.
Adnan Oktar
Başbuğ [Alparslan Turkes] must never be forgotten. He was a great and valuable person, a man with a cause. Neither his services, nor his moral virtues, nor his determination on the subject of a Greater Turkey must ever be forgotten. That is a debt of honor.
(26 July 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
LOVE FOR SPIRITUAL GUIDES AND TEACHERS BRINGS ABUNDANCE WITH IT. BUT FIGHTING MUSLIMS BRINGS WITH IT AFFLICTION, DISASTER AND ILL-FORTUNE. People just lose their clarity and foresight, so they must not fight them. Allah will trip them up if they do.