
Adnan Oktar

Fanatic mindset is a grave danger and it is snowballing. US and Europe did not understand it yet.
A9 TV; August 27th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

First disasters and then goodness and beauties will prevail in the world in the End Times.
A9 TV; August 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

There is no need to attach divinity to the Squares.
A9 TV; August 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The slogans used in the squares should be for the Islamic Union, not for Morsi or Rabia.
A9 TV; August 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

This is the first time that such a cruel and insane sectarian fanaticism is observed in the Islamic World. The system of the Mahdi is the solution for it.
A9 TV; August 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

There is no need to invent new symbols that have no place in the hadiths or in the Qur'an. No result would come out of those and they wouldn't bring about any richness.
A9 TV; August 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

What did they[unbelievers] say about the Prophets? They said that they are "mad" and they called them "liars". They used to attack them and swear at them. We are on their path as well, we are their ummah, we are the ummah of our Prophet (saas). We are the children of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), we are the children of the Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh). Consequently we will go through the same ordeals and suffer the same pains.
A9 TV; August 19th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

What did they[unbelievers] say about the Prophets? They said that they are "mad" and they called them "liars". They used to attack them and swear at them. We are on their path as well, we are their ummah, we are the ummah of our Prophet (saas). We are the children of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), we are the children of the Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh). Consequently we will go through the same ordeals and suffer the same pains.

Adnan Oktar

There will be no happiness in a system where there is no democracy, where women are not living in comfort, where they are living under pressure. A system in which everything is forbidden and in which death sentence is given for almost anything is definitely not Islam. This is a fascist, a merciless and psychopathic mindset that has nothing to do with Islam.
A9 TV; August 19th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

What is the fundamental reason lying underneath the scourges casted upon the Islamic World right now? It is their acting according to made-up, false hadiths by stepping out of the Qur'an.
A9 TV; August 19th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

What does not wanting the Muslims to unite mean? Seek refuge with God from the satan.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

In his hadiths our Prophet (saas) drew attention to the war intensifying in Ghutah Syria and foretold that Ghutah will be the place where there will be the greatest number of martyrs. That is a great miracle.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

As the requisite of the testing, there are both angelic people and evil people in the world.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A Muslim would never burn down a church, on the contrary he would protect and support the church.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

God would not let cruelty and ruthlessness. God supports love and being compassionate.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The unity of the Islamic world is a wonderfully easy solution.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

They keep saying; "let the Christian world unite and save Muslims." Note that they never say; "let the Islamic world unite." When we mention the Islamic Union they say; "it is not possible, they cannot unite." Well, if it is possible for the Christian world to unite, why is it not possible for Muslims to unite?"
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The places that people who love God are around would be very sweet.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

There will be an amazing abundance and profusion in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) insha'Allah.
A9 TV; August 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The pain and the sufferings will increase even further, Muslims will say;"enough is enough!" and they will find the Mahdi (pbuh). They will ask Mahdi (pbuh) to be the leader of the ummah. Mahdi (pbuh) will not accept in the beginning. They will say; "the ummah is in a sea of blood, you've got to accept this. If you don't, all their blood will be on your head." In this way, they will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi (pbuh) even though he does not want it.
A9 TV; August 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Saying; "Save [only] Egypt!" isn't acceptable. Saying "Save [only] Palestine!" is not acceptable. You've got to say; "Let Muslims unite!" You've got to ask for the salvation of the whole Islamic world and ask for the salvation of whole humanity. That will be a salvation for whole humanity under the leadership of Muslims. Let Russia be saved, let China be saved as well; let all of them be saved. We cannot develop an egoistic point of view.
A9 TV; August 20th, 2013