The PKK would never lay down their weapons. They will continue to acquire position in the Southeast. The only solution is to root them out there within the framework of the law. Anything other than that would not work. It is a gangrenous tissue and that tissue should be surgically removed. There is no other cure for that. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
The PKK would never lay down their weapons. They will continue to acquire position in the Southeast. The only solution is to root them out there within the framework of the law. Anything other than that would not work. It is a gangrenous tissue and that tissue should be surgically removed. There is no other cure for that.
The radicals are pitch black inside. The corruption and sedition they have inside would neither draw them closer to Mahdi (pbuh) or to the true path, but only to darkness.
(A9 TV; March 3rd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Syria should be a whole but there is no place for Al-Assad in Syria. Syria's integrity is of course very important; we would not want it to become a country that is all in pieces. But Al-Assad should be changed and a rational, loving person should come as his replacement.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Snobbery, impertinence, sauciness are beneath Muslims. Rationalism, being beautiful and mild, an honest mind, a sharp wit, a proper mindset, one that is far removed from artificiality befits Muslims.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
We need to talk about a lucid world with an honest, sincere, clear and lucid mind. When everything is explained with the Qur'an, with the verses, a relief and ease is formed in the hearts of people. Or else, if you use the approach of the people devoted to this world towards them, even though they already know that this world will die eventually, it will be like you are literally blown away. Your being blown away would scare them. They would feel relieved only if they see that you are very well aware of the existence of God.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK wants to take over the Southeast, to establish an independent, communist Kurdistan and then to rule the whole region. Later on they would want to annihilate the Turkish nation to satisfy the anger and hatred they have inside. That is what they aim for. Troubles are coming step by step; everyone should pull themselves together.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Turkish youth are not being educated regarding politics. Many of them are only concerned about how they can strike it rich - to put it in a colloquial manner - how to have fun, how to find a wealthy girl or a wealthy young man to lean upon and how to have them look after their whole family, how to eat good food and find good jobs. But that is not what the goal of PKK is.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There are about 300 PKK camps in northern Iraq. They are teaching Darwinism and materialism in those places night and day. They are teaching the validity of communism. Kandil is like an academy up in the mountains, like a communist academy. They are being educated about politics night and day.
(A9 TV; March 2nd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
It is not enough to say "stop" to the killings of women. Stopping the killings of women can only be possible by stopping the Darwinist/ materialist education. If you educate people as Darwinists and materialists, they inevitably start seeing others as worthless as bugs and then they become able to kill them, hang them and chop them up. They become maniacs, they become insane. The best method is to educate people and to engrave fear of God to people's hearts and stop the Darwinist/ materialist system.
(A9 TV; March 1st, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The Turkish Nation, the Turkish youth should be educated with political consciousness. They should be educated against Darwinism, against materialism. What needs to be done against communist occupation should be taught. Love for God, the Holy Book, religion, faith, homeland, nation, flag should be taught to our youth and that love should be engraved in their hearts.
(A9 TV; March 1st, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Kobane has become a fossilized city. It is a razed, a ruined city. It can only be an open museum and nothing else. As the verses indicate it is very significant to understand how God brings disasters upon irreligious people and how He saves Muslims. We have saved our devout Kurdish brothers and sisters, those who fear God and brought them to Turkey. It is the PKK/YPG that has been ruined there.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The way the PKK will lay down their weapons will not be in the sense we know. They are simply laying down their weapons on the floor only to take them back as an "alleged" self- defense force, as "so-called" soldiers, police officers or gendarme. That is the whole issue. Or else they are not thinking about a weaponless state in the Southeast. They want to found a state, one that rules under the shadow of fully automatic weapons. They are thinking about a comprehensive study with military air bases, fortified locations and long rang defense systems.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There is a lobby for poverty in the world. They are keeping the whole world in poverty by means of a special system. That is a system that has been working unfalteringly for 100 - 150 years. Only at the time of the Ottoman Empire that system did not work; they could not order the Ottomans around.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The immunity of judges should be revoked. The immunity of judges has been a longstanding big problem in Turkey. Just like other civil servants, judges should not have immunity either. They are normal people; they can make mistakes. Insincerity, a lack of conscience should also be conceived of as an offense.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
We only have one enemy; the YPG, the PKK, the PJAK. Meaning the scum and sordid filth of the PKK under every name.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
We do not kill Muslims. We would not lay hands on Muslims; if they are ignorant you simply train them, you approach them with love and compassion. They should show me a command in the Qur'an about killing Muslims. No Islamic scholar would ever give a fatwa to that end, no Muslim could ever give a fatwa to that end. We would never let that happen.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Turkish soldiers will never be murderers; they can never be partners in murder. Who ever sets Turkish soldiers to murder will find reasonable people standing against them. Turkish soldiers would never be deceived by such a stratagem. They will never be a part of such an ugly murder. Those who suggest us to become murderers are acting sordidly.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
It is religiously unlawful for Turkey to fire a bullet onto ISIL, Taliban or any other Muslim group. That is not acceptable under any circumstances; that would be homicide. We are responsible for preaching Islam with science, knowledge, wisdom and love. We would never be deceived by such an unsavory stratagem.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
They should put it in their minds that we will never let Turkey be divided. We will never let anyone divide our country, not under the name of federalism, nor in the name of this or that. We will never let the murderers of our soldiers and our police officers be released. We will never let that happen, not at the risk of our lives. We are ready to be martyred but we would never hand over our homeland to these traitors, to the PKK. They should forget about it.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The families of our martyrs should never be left alone. Their homes should be like prayer houses. They should be immaculate, sparking clean places in which God's Name is mentioned every day. Their visitors should clean the house for everyone. They should say, "Mother, let us clean the house for you." They should do the dishes if there is the need to do so, they should cook for them if they don't have food.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Federalism, local management, united federal states; all those are movements that aim to divide Turkey.