The PKK terror organization imagines that they can take over the Southeast with a small force; actually this is a characteristic of communism. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
The PKK terror organization imagines that they can take over the Southeast with a small force; actually this is a characteristic of communism.
The PKK terror organization is acting really spoiled. If we constitute a whole with a national consciousness, the PKK will have no force left but because the PKK is very well aware that national consciousness is not really wide spread among our people, and because they are fully aware that their own youth is conscious and politized, they are putting their trust in their own youth.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK terror organization is a great trouble for the whole region. The people there are not able to live in peace right now in the Southeast, they are living under the control of the mafia. How could one live comfortably under the control of the mafia? How could one live comfortably under the command of a gang? That will only be cleaned up with the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The government should be given the message that we are behind them. The whole country, all 80 million of us, should assume an attitude against the PKK as a whole right beside the government.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The best thing to do is to increase the consciousness of faith; talking about the facts leading to faith, talking about the miracles of the Qur'an, instilling love for God to the minds and souls of people.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The youngsters should be given courses on "national consciousness" just like courses on national security. The danger of separation, the importance of national togetherness, the importance of Turkish Islamic Union, the importance of brotherhood, the importance of love should be taught.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There are some people who desire to divide Turkey. The government needs to start a scientific mobilization. There should be courses in all public schools that educate the students about the danger of the PKK. Students should be educated against communism, against materialistic philosophy and against the danger of national disintegration in secondary schools, highschools and universities and panels should be held.
(A9 TV; June 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
You are charged with “al-amr bi 'l-maʿruf wa 'n-nahy ʿan al-munkar” - enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong. God is the One Who will create the influence.
(A9 TV; June 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
China should be like Europe. Capital punishment should be abolished in China; anything other than that would not be modern. China would turn into a country of fear and people will not trust China.
(A9 TV; June 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Islamic Union is the only way to solve the PKK problem fundamentally. The PKK cannot overcome the Islamic Union. At that time, the PKK will be like a mosquito on a lion.
(A9 TV; June 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The concept of family does not exist in communism anyway. Children belong to the state in the communist mindset. Unless Darwinist materialist education is halted, unless the invalidity of communism is explained extensively and unless a national consciousness is very strongly taught to our youth as a special course, these scourges will continue to rain down on our people.
(A9 TV; June 4th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Instead of the sense of devotion for fellow townsmens the PKK terror organization uses in the Southeast, we need to activate devotion for Islam. That is because devotion of Islam is very strong. Devotion for fellow townmens is something far below it in comparison. And because the people there are very pious, great success will be attained in the Southeast in this way. No success can be attained any other way.
(A9 TV; June 4th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK used fear in the beginning, they created a foundation with terror and violence but now they are approaching the Kurds with love, compassion and a spirit of fellowship. Our state should also approach our Kurdish brothers with faith, with the Qur'an, with the moral values of the Qur'an and with love by very strongly implementing the theme of the brotherhood of Muslims.
(A9 TV; June 4th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
In response to the education the PKK is giving to the militants in the mountains, our youth should definitely be given political education as well. Their love of country and nation should be reinforced and they should be brought up as young people with high political culture, determined to stand against separation, who are very well aware of the Darwinist, materialist threat, who know very well how to respond to communism. They should be fully equipped with all kinds of information against separatism, and be given the necessary intellectual foundations to raze the Stalinist theory of the PKK to the ground.
(A9 TV; June 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
PKK militants are being given an extensive political education. They dream about founding a great Kurdistan in the Southeast of Turkey. The great majority of our youth on the other hand is after making preparations for their own marriages, and some of them are simply after getting rich.
(A9 TV; June 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Our Alawite brothers are very decent people; they have high moral values and they are really very kind. They are very extroverted. They are against radicalism, they are full of love, they are very decent and very mature. They are very wise people.
(A9 TV; June 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is no sense in bragging about not giving any more martyrs, if we are to lose the Southeast of Turkey as a result of that. Let all of us be martyrs so long as our homeland is not divided. Martydom is the greatest rank to attain, it is a blessing.
(A9 TV; June 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
You cannot see even one article from the radicals that talks about aesthetics, about love even for a single day. They do not talk about love not even for a day. Actually they find love difficult.
(A9 TV; June 2nd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Have a look at radicals; God stripped them of all blessings. I consider people in need free of that, but radicals are those who live a life of great misery. I mean one might be poor but still keep himself clean, well-cared for and beautiful. But how do we see the deprivation of all God's blessings in radicals because of their radicalism? We see that in their dirty and repugnant ugliness.
(A9 TV; June 2nd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The owners of aesthetics and beauty prevail in the world. Those who love women would prevail in the world. Some people assume that very nice results could be attained with radicalism but the fact is that no result can ever be attained with radicalism.
(A9 TV; June 2nd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If Muslims completely hold to Qur’an, if they act in compliance with the Qur’an, the beauty that would stem from this would literally hypnotize people. Everyone would like to live such a life.