Crushing the terror organization of PKK is not possible by conveying messages of friendship. It is accomplished by anti-Darwinist, anti-Materialist ideological struggle.
The society has become faithless not because of the activities of disbelievers but, notice that, because of the activities of bigots.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The reason why a bigot opposes Hazrat Mahdi (as) is his being anti-bigoted. They are against him because he eliminates their superstitions.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the person who crushes the heads of savage bigots in the ideological sense. He is an anti-bigot.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Anarchy and terror; Allah makes them appear on purpose. In order to make people be urged on toward the establishment of the Unity of Islam.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
There will be such an incident, such as a deadlock where there will be no salvation for people other than Mahdi. They will seek refuge in Mahdi because they will be compelled. You will see this.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Mahdi never says, “I will be Mahdi.” People will plead to Hazrat Mahdi (as) to be the spiritual leader. The only salvation is Hazrat Mahdi (as).
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
They may demand 5 million martyrs, if they want. We can give martyrs without blinking an eye. They can demand another 5 million martyrs, but we would not give up an inch of our land. They have to know this.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
We can give martyrs in streams; but we would never give so much as an inch of our land. May many souls be sacrificed for Allah.
(A9 TV; March 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
When we do not unite as Muslims, how will we unite with Christians? Notice that everything shows us the necessity of love, maturity, gentleness, respect, compassion and understanding. THERE IS THE NEED TO BE MILD. UNLESS THIS HAPPENS, THE WORLD TURNS INTO HELL. Once this unity comes into being, the world becomes very comfortable.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The greatest need in the country before the Unity of Islam is the unity of all the Islamic communities and societies. First let’s establish the bond of love rapidly. We are a nation full of love. Let’s unite immediately.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
We must establish an enormous unity. There must be a stupendous bond of love. We must have a deep compassion and profound love.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Everyone is reconciled with love. Everyone is in favor of goodness, everyone is self-sacrificing. Everyone abandons his interests when love is in question. Egoism and strife calls for being in favor of one’s interests. He does not accept the goodness and beauty of the other party.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
THEY WILL EVENTUALLY HAVE TO FOLLOW THE MAHDI, AS YOU WILL SEE. Iran will eventually free itself of that dead-end, belief in an invisible Mahdi, and will seek the true Mahdi (pbuh) and will have to accept him, and they will abandon all nonsense.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Women are highly elevated in Islam. But when you have bigots, women are not valued at all. Bigotry equals misogyny, the hatred of women.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The true Islam is that in the Qur’an, of which the way of the Mahdi speaks. It is what Rasulullah (saas) speaks of, the Islam of the time of the Companions. Without that, the way is open to bigotry.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The reason they regard Iran as a threat is their belief in the invisible Mahdi. This faith in an invisible Mahdi in Iran resembles making a wish by fastening rags on a tree.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
One does not enjoy a woman out of lust alone. You must enjoy her passion, her role as a manifestation of Allah, her affection and her compassion. You must delight in protecting and watching over her. You enjoy her goodness and beauty and happiness. You delight in her loyalty and, above all, her religious devotion.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Woman is a blessed, wonderful and immaculate being. She is to be loved with passion as a manifestation of Allah. One must love her and have compassion and watch over and protect her all her life. She is entrusted to one by Allah.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
A person is passionately devoted to someone he loves. He has compassion and wants to protect and watch over them all throughout his life. Most important of all, he wants to be together with them in the hereafter. That love is love for Allah.
(A9 TV; 29 March 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Bigotry is a false religion that drowns itself, a satanic way of thinking that looks only to destruction. The bigots lose the essence of true faith and become bogged down in details.