
Adnan Oktar

One would not know himself otherwise; in that respect criticism is a perfect blessing. However satan has turned it into a spiral of disaster and pain. Criticism has a very devastating impact on some people. They are devastated and almost lose their human feelings. Look at the pain satan inflicts. Look at how satan manipulates something that is actually in one's favor, how it shows such a beautiful blessing.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Being criticized by another is like looking into the highest quality mirror. How nice it is. You can preen yourself, tidy yourself. Finding someone to criticize you is as valuable as gold, it is a great blessing. But criticisms should be honest and sincere, and should not be done to disturb and offend. Criticisms should be justified.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Other countries should help Jordan. The number of refugees in Jordan has reached about one and a half million. They should be given money, supported with financial means, food and clothing. Wealthy Arabic countries are constantly funneling money to weapons. Instead of spending money on weapons, spend it on those wretched people in need so that they can find relief.
A9 TV; December 9th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The reason why they are leery of my explanations about the system of the Mahdi to this extent is because I am talking about it without any superstitions and I convince them that it is true. Or else, if I were to talk about it with superstitions, they would have loved it. That would be no problem for them and no one would be angry. No one would ever object to it.
A9 TV; December 9th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The first condition of life is love. Like water, like air. You die when you cannot let air in, you die without love, the world dies, the universe dies. It is not possible to live without love. There is no bargaining in love. There is only self-sacrifice and altruism. You do not stoop to little things.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love brings about mercy and compassion. Then you can't kill anyone, you can't hang anyone or chop up anyone. You simply solve everything with rationality and science. You solve everything with love and persuasion.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the most important social and political foundation for the whole world. Love is the source of healing. Without that, the whole system is disrupted, both politics, trade and law decline and everything falls down. A cruel spirit prevails everywhere.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

They consider love as luxurious, as if it is something that would be nice if attained. But that is not the case; without love, wars break out; terror, anarchy and violence breaks out. No one is safe in a loveless environment.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Turkey should never give credit to bigotry. Turkey should be a country in which modern people reside, like Norway, like The Netherlands, like Denmark. All the cities should be like Paris and London. There should be music, there should be paintings, statues, beauties. All the cities should be like art galleries. There should be ladies wearing revealing clothes and also ladies covering their heads. There should be an environment in which the utmost freedom of speech and beauty is encouraged and enjoyed.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Egocentric people should try it and they will see. They will become reasonable, balanced people whereas they were half-insane before. Everyone would see, people around them would see it. The only condition being self-criticism.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

An egocentric person couldn't even endure or tolerate a justified criticism. He becomes purple, flushed of face, he starts to have a stomachache, high blood pressure and he becomes insane. That is because criticism offends his ego, because his whole body becomes his ego, that creates an immense allergy in his body. But when he criticizes himself, his ego would be shuttered and would stop assaulting his body. His body would be soothed and calmed. He would regain his mental balance. After that he will be able to think and talk rationally and reasonably.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Almighty God says, "Truly, man is unbridled, seeing himself as self-sufficient." What does seeing himself as self-sufficient mean? He sees himself as perfect. For instance, if you criticize him somehow, he instantly lashes out because he caught that disease.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The best attitude that can be adopted against egocentricity and haughtiness is to be submissive towards God, to put trust in God, to be patient and humble and to avoid being egocentric. The shortest remedy to that in the Qur'an is self-criticism. One should criticize himself both while he is alone and while he is in the company of others.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If a person is very egocentric, if he likes himself a lot, if he has an extreme air of haughtiness, all his body becomes egocentric. The whole body becomes his ego. His whole body becomes sick. I mean he becomes insane. That is what happened to Pharaoh, to Nimrod. They lost their sanity. When that is the case, satan settles in their body. They become unable to act rationally and in a balanced manner. They lose the ability to be reasonable.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

A honest, loving, affectionate gaze is nourishment for a Muslim. This beauty is also mentioned in Heaven. There is a reference to ladies whose eyes are turned only towards their spouses, ladies looking at their spouses with passionate eyes. Their gazes to their spouses is the first priority, God drew attention to in the Qur'an.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Islam means love, compassion, peace, quality, beauty, democracy, deep thinking, arts and science. It is all kinds of beauty. But there is no such understanding in bigotry. There is only cruelty in bigotry. They turn the world into a living hell for yourself and then try to turn it into a living hell for others as well.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The traditional orthodox system is a disastrous and awful system and it causes hatred for Muslims all over the world. That hatred is increasing gradually and because of those traditional Orthodox people who call themselves Muslims, the extreme right is getting stronger in Europe. They are harming themselves and Islam in the process and they're also hurting all inoffensive people.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The state should not leave the youth to their own devices. The PKK doesn't do leave them to their own devices: They educate and raise consciousness among them in their own ways. They educate them with a Marxist consciousness, a communist way of thinking, with a terrorist, Stalinist mindset. There is no response against that in the curriculum of the state. When that's the case they are making headway unilaterally.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There should be a strong cultural struggle against terror and a strong struggle to equip our youth with a national conscience. Before all else there should be courses on national consciousness, courses three times a week on national consciousness. Courses on topics such as what is communism, what is Marxism, how can a struggle be given, what is terrorism? What are the wrongful aspects of Darwinism and materialism? These should be taught.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

An incomprehensible courage, an incomprehensible boldness should be shown against terror and a comeuppance that our enemies would never expect should be given. You should make it felt that you are insane about that. If you give a calm and languid struggle, they would continue to martyr our soldiers and police officers. But once you start pushing back firmly, they start begging.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

It is not acceptable to follow a calm, moderate policy against the PKK. A determined policy within the mainframe of the law should be followed; that is because martyrs are saintly. If we are giving martyrs every single day, that is defiance against us.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015