Most Turkish people are also descendants of past immigrants. It’s an honor that Syrians trusted our compassion and came here. We’d be proud to make our Syrian guests Turkish citizens. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Most Turkish people are also descendants of past immigrants. It’s an honor that Syrians trusted our compassion and came here. We’d be proud to make our Syrian guests Turkish citizens.
It would be great to make our Syrian guests Turkish citizens. It is heartless to be cold to three million people that had to run for their lives.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The Mahdi will end the wars and the bloodshed. All the weapons will be removed and not a single drop of blood will be shed in his time.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The sweetness and innocence of children is a special blessing that God creates for us to love them.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The fact that humane and compassionate ones - that is to say the moral values of Islam- will rule the world is foretold in the Gospels as well.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Mr. Erbakan raised Mr. Erdoğan as a very resolute and zealous person. The late Mr. Erbakan was also very determined.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The 31st verse of Surat an-Nur is about the freedom granted to women.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Some Muslims don't even mention the persecution carried out by the system of dajjal [antichrist]. They simply ignore cruelty in order to not have to mention the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The Mahdi movement is love, friendship, brotherhood and high-quality. It’s the manifestation of all beauties. No one can stop it.
(A9 TV; March 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The hadiths that are not compliant with the Qur’an do not bespeak neither to that period nor to our time. They are merely fabricated, made-up, superstitious explanations.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
God does not define any prophet other than Jesus the Messiah as the ‘Sign of the Hour’. That is one of the proofs of Jesus the Messiah’s second coming.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Muslims will be seeing the manifestation of God Himself in Heaven. That is the most beautiful blessing in Heaven.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The bigoted understanding makes life miserable. The life that bigoted understanding espouses has nothing to do with Islam. With that understanding they cause many people to stand against Islam.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The religion that claims women should be beaten, that art should be forbidden and that joy is unlawful is not the true Islam of the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
If Turkey attains modernity, if women’s freedom, paintings, statutes, music, culture, high quality and classiness become the main stand of Turkey, no one could ever bring harm to us.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
One needs to concentrate on faith most of all. A faithful country would not collapse. Sincere faith would keep that country standing strong.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The blessings God bestows on us, the artistry of God are very comprehensive. One needs to examine them and think on them one by one.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
It is an amazing artistry that plants' roots, that have no eyes, no feet or hands, know what to take from the soil and form the harmony of colors seen on flowers with symmetry. Trees can produce many vitamins that cannot be attained synthetically and in a way that won’t be harmful to humans. The artistry of God is amazingly beautiful.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Every flower knows the amount of iron and zinc it needs to take from the muddy soil and the amount it will use. It knows what is needed for every color. This is a miracle of God.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
It is important to contemplate the proofs of the existence of God one by one in detail. One needs to think about one topic at a time instead of being overwhelmed by hundreds of different topics.
(A9 TV; March 19th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The fact that the blessings and facts leading to faith are widely explored in the Qur’an show that contemplation is the real topic one should concentrate on.