Kurdish people mean Turkey. Laz people mean Turkey. Circassian people mean Turkey. Kurdish people are refined members of the Turkish Nation. Kurdish, Turkish, Laz, Circassian; we call all of them Turkish people. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Kurdish people mean Turkey. Laz people mean Turkey. Circassian people mean Turkey. Kurdish people are refined members of the Turkish Nation. Kurdish, Turkish, Laz, Circassian; we call all of them Turkish people.
Irreligiousness brings about egoism; egoism brings about pain, and pain brings about desperation, so they end up writhing in pain.
(A9 TV; September 10th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If there is desperation, they should know that there also is the system of the Mahdi. The system of the Mahdi is the remedy for desperation.
(A9 TV; September 10th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Once you unleash a lack of quality, it would be like a very deep pit. It goes on and on deeper towards disgrace. It goes on and on towards ignominy.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A meeting lacking quality, a building lacking quality, attire lacking quality would all bother people; it distresses people. Quality on the other hand unburdens one's heart. It is a blessing of the world. Quality is the other name of beauty.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A Ministry of Quality should be formed as soon as possible. And the Ministry of Quality should follow a policy that is based on quality in ideas, in people, in gardens, in trades, in every sphere: Quality should become the national policy of the state.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A life lacking quality is horrible; it is the other name of Hell.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A person lacking quality is a grave scourge. First of all, they should underline high-quality thinking, high-quality opinions. High quality books are required for that. High quality works, high quality writings are required. If you attempt to educate people with loveless, hateful writings lacking quality, the outcome would be wild and crude people lacking quality.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
When a person lacking quality enters a high quality building, the quality in that location would disappear. But when a high quality person enters a low quality location, it would make that place high quality. He would make it a high quality place with only slight changes.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Quality people cannot be brought up with ideas of no quality. Islam in the Qur'an is the high quality idea. That is not the understanding of Islam advocated by idolaters, it is not the orthodox traditional understanding of Islam. You cannot find quality there. An intense inferiority would come out of that.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
We need to start with high quality people, not with high quality furniture. Without high quality people, high quality furniture and high quality places mean nothing. First of all, we need to educate high quality people and for that to happen we need to develop high quality ideas.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Love should be espoused with determination and perseverance. Advocating fighting and conflict appears to be easy and reasonable to some people and they assume that espousing love is difficult, meaningless and impossible. Actually, they thus leave behind the easiest and the most beautiful way of life and dive into the most evil, most difficult and the cruelest of all choices.
(A9 TV; September 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
We would not separate our Kurdish brothers and sisters in Turkey. The rooms inside a family home would not be seperated from each other with walls made of steel. We are a family; we would never separate from our brothers and sisters. If you attempt to separate us with walls made of steel we would tear down those walls. You should not long for those days in vain as we never let something like that happen.
(A9 TV; September 8th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Wise, well-intentioned, loving people have always been the leaders of this world, their words have always been influential. God always gives them this blessing.
(A9 TV; September 8th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The spirit of the system of the Mahdi is the only way to a solution for the Islamic world.
(A9 TV; September 8th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Love provides beauty in every aspect. For instance, if a song is sung with love, if it is played with love, it gives an insatiable pleasure. I mean when you do something with love, it yields perfect results. If one talks with love, it can be listened to with an amazing joy. If one looks at another with love, it gives an amazing joy. Even when you show love to a flower, that flower becomes so beautiful and so sweet.
(A9 TV; September 8th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Those who criticize the CHP should make constructive and sincere criticisms instead of employing such a harsh, sharp- tongued attitude. They are in a competition of knowingness and impertinence. That would harm the spirit of the CHP and it would be wrong.
(A9 TV; September 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
What the CHP should do is to adopt the warmth, beauty, colors and the wealth of the right wing and to advocate left wing's understanding of quality, aesthetics, freedom, democracy and science to the fullest. They should not leave any point that the left wing is not satisfied with, but they should also adopt all the beauties of the right wing.
(A9 TV; September 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
They could stop ISIS if they wanted to, but because ISIS is an organization that carries out a task within the destiny of the world, world Freemasonry doesn't let it. The world state doesn't allow them to be stopped because it is what preordained in destiny.
(A9 TV; September 4th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Hatred brings about hatred, it brings about rage. Love, on the other hand, solves everything. That is to say, the human mind embraces love. Our souls are pursuant to love. We are created accordingly. Heaven is the abode of love.
(A9 TV; September 4th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Someone who hangs people and chops people up wouldn't make a Caliph. A Caliph should be a man of love. Whoever is determined to turn this world into a heaven on Earth is the Caliph. A Caliph is the one who brings the important features of Heaven into this world.