
Adnan Oktar

May God bless our martyrs. Glad tidings to them and to their parents. May God grant delightful perseverance to their families.
A9 TV; April 4th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Some Muslims are indifferent to seditions such as Darwinism, hypocrites or the British deep state. They selfishly worry about their own future. Some attain many worldly gains since they never dwell on topics that are the main causes of pressure on Muslims. They never bring the way of the Mahdi, Islamic Union or the British deep state on the agenda in order to not do any harm to their interests.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Some people don't have any love in their hearts. As a result, they live in a sea of hatred and jealousy, which only hurts them. Islamic morality removes jealousy and hatred. Those distant to religion are jealous of God’s blessings to believers, but that brings them only pain.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

We don't want bloodshed in any part of the world. We are against all kinds of tyranny, oppression and violence.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

It’s wrong to make money out of teaching religion. People shouldn't be paid for communicating Islam.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Islamic Union will be established and the morality of Islam will reign globally. This is how peace and brotherhood will spread throughout the world.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The British deep state has a sort of secret hold over the USA and its effect is visible on many US institutes.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

We pray to God that the Prophet Jesus and Mahdi make their advent soon.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The real revolution will happen when the dajjal’s system ends intellectually and the beauty of Islamic morals spreads around the world by means of Mahdi.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

We, the Turks, respect peaceful, democratic communists, but will not accept those that resort to violence.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Wherever we look, there is golden ratio, flawless color coordination and a dazzling order in nature. God’s artistry is glorious. Masha’Allah.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Every attack makes our people stronger, and further solidifies their solidarity and zeal.
A9 TV; April 3rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

May God make me and all our brothers the students of the Mahdi and Jesus Messiah. May He make us see the global reign of the Islamic moral values.
A9 TV; April 2nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

My books are the only works that scientifically explain the invalidity of Darwinism. The movement of the dajjal cannot come close to those places where these books are present.
A9 TV; April 2nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

God is the One Who has all the power. God is the One Who will make the Mahdi instrumental for the global reign of the moral values of Islam.
A9 TV; April 2nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Mr. Bahçeli is a patriotic, rational person who is not after any rank or position and who loves his nation expecting nothing in return.
A9 TV; April 2nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

By the leave of God, we will act in unity and solidarity and we will together defeat the dajjal with science and knowledge.
A9 TV; April 1st, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Mr. Bahçeli is a very esteemed person raised by Chieftain Türkeş. His statements are very wise and to the point.
A9 TV; April 1st, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Some sycophants of the British deep state are acting as spies in Turkey as well. Our government should be very cautious about them.
A9 TV; April 1st, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites are the ones that devastated the Islamic world. British deep state uses the hypocrites; they fool sycophantic, ignoble people and make them serve their goals.
A9 TV; April 1st, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Irreligion is quite widespread in Europe, yet had they known the real Islam they would have been very much impressed. Because of the false, traditional narrations of Islam, they keep away from religion.
A9 TV; April 1st, 2017