
Adnan Oktar

We congratulate the martydom of our martyrs. It’s a great blessing that we admire. May God give a blessed life to their families.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The reign of Islamic morality around the world means the reign of peace, love, democracy, freedom and quality. Everyone would like it.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Even with a single remark in the grocery store such as ‘God created all these beautiful vegetables & fruits’, a Muslim could be doing a great service to Islam
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Everyday a Muslim makes an effort to do something good and make the world a better place.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

While producing a perfume, the producer makes strenuous effort to attain the same fragrance every time, to ensure consistency. But in nature, it always perfectly the same.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Darwinism is the basis of Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist philosophies. Once Darwinism is defeated ideologically, terrorism will naturally stop.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Our people will show wholehearted support to policies that will make Turkey more modern, higher quality.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Racism fueled by Darwinist education was the driving force behind WWI.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The lovers of God, those that love love, compassion, art, goodness, will reign in the world.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The traditionalist, bigoted system is horrible, trying to drag everything and everyone else into it. We will never follow that horrible system.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Some hateful people can’t stand to see anything beautiful around them. They should get rid of their hatred and jealousy.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Both in Gobekli Tepe and the remains on Mount Nemrut, there are plenty of Masonic symbols. Gobekli Tepe was a Masonic temple.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Everyone can make mistakes. It’d be cruel to shut them out, to bring down a person because he made one mistake.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

We will never allow a radical, hateful, discriminatory mentality to come and darken Turkey. A bright, beautiful future awaits Turkey. Anti-art, anti-science, misogynistic people shouldn’t hold their breath.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The Islam of the companions is the true Islam. The mentality that opposes art, quality, beauty, freedom will be never successful.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

It’s unacceptable that some people try to judge and discriminate against attractive, modern ladies. A Muslim should respect everyone.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

It is explicitly stated also in Judaic resources that Moshiach, in other words, Mahdi will appear in this century.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

May God allow me and all my friends to see the Mahdi, insha’ Allah.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Putting trust in God and being patient is the clearest evidence of the love for God. Loving Him on good days and abandoning Him on bad days is serious turpitude.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Paradise is meaningful for those who love God no matter what. For those who abandon God at hard times Paradise would have no meaning.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Wherever we look we see the signs of God, His infinite intelligence and sublime art.
A9 TV; April 22nd, 2017