
Adnan Oktar

In Egypt, a policy of compassion should be adopted towards Israel as well. An attitude that would make Israel uneasy is not compliant with religion. Showing compassion to the People of the Book is the command of the Qur'an.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Within the radical mindset there are some people who give a so-called sanctity to hatred towards Jews. Jews are People of the Book, God would not consent their being persecuted.
A9 TV; July 28th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Armenians are the People of the Book. In the Qur'an God demands us to treat them kindly.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

We used to live together with Jews, Armenians and Greeks as brothers. They are the People of the Book and are entrusted to us by God. Again with the establishment of the Turkish Islamic Union we will insha’Allah embrace all of them with love.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

People don’t understand that the actual struggle is against the system of dajjal [antichrist]. This is why we face such extraordinary incidents.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The attempts to drive a wedge between Russia and Turkey is an exercise in futility. As a nation, we’ll not allow such sedition to occur.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites do not like to engage in any work; they want to delegate everything to Muslims, they want to be a burden on others.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Satan devastates human beings by instilling the most unbecoming doubts; likewise hypocrites devastate one’s mindset, the environment and everything else.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The barbed speech of the hypocrite stems from satan’s grip on his soul.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

With foolish pretexts, hypocrites claimed that –may God forbid- our Prophet (pbuh) couldn’t think properly but they thought , may God forbid.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Because hypocrites target the most devout believer, they always bother prophets, messengers and the leaders of the time.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites also want to destroy peace. That is why they constantly stir up conflicts and create anarchy, but they always form a reasonable ground for it.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We congratulate
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Protection of the territorial integrity of Syria is a correct policy. This policy would be a great spiritual smack to the British Deep State.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The Russian Ambassador to Turkey was a person entrusted to our nation. Shooting an entrusted person in the back is severe iniquity and perfidy.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The Mahdi is a teacher of love that will end tyranny. His job is bringing social justice, love and compassion.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We should act quickly to build a very strong alliance with Iran and Russia, cooperate with them in everything.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We’ll be friends with Iran, with Russia. The British Deep State is wrong to think that with their feeble games they can manipulate our people.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Turkey is a key country that maintains balance. It would be great for her to be both in NATO and the Shanghai Pact.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The goal of the Mahdi movement is love, compassion and justice.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The British Deep State doesn't want Iran and Turkey to be friends and to ally. They stir up trouble since they cannot exploit Turkey and Iran.
A9 TV; December 19th, 2016