
Adnan Oktar

All the incidents that took place in Egypt have been defined in destiny in the slightest detail. All power is in the Hands of God. God is the One Who will reconcile hearts in Egypt as well.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

If one believes in the sufficiency of the Qur'an, radicalism would disappear; that scourge would disappear. The whole issue lies with believing in the sufficiency of the Qur'an. If you accept the sufficiency of the Qur'an, you would also feel love for Alevis, for Shias and for Wahhabis as well. You would then hold both ladies with scarves and also ladies who do not cover their heads and those who wear low-neck dresses in high esteem and respect all of them, love all of them. You would not make them uncomfortable.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

In his hadiths, our Prophet (saas) foretold in details that there would be great incidents in Egypt.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Saying "We've come here with the elections so we will be doing whatever we want" would not work in Egypt either. The demands of all people should be indulged, all of them. If they are communists, their rights should be advocated, if they are devout, their rights should be advocated, if they are Jews, their rights should be advocated. Everyone's rights should be protected, everyone should be protected and watched over; that is the duty of the governments.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Showing compassion to both Israel and Palestine, to the good people of Palestine and the good people of Israel, to the compassionate people of those lands; showing affection to them, behaving warmly to them is a necessity of the morality of Islam. Pushing one aside and putting forth the other would be unbecoming for a Muslim.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Radicalism is wreaking havoc in the Islamic world. The Ikhwan should strike an intellectual blow against this and bring forth the modern understanding of Islam, the understanding of the Companions of our Prophet (saas). That would be amazing.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

If an advisory council is established in Egypt, if they act through a consultation procedure, if they put compassion and love to the forefront, if they put the modern understanding of Islam, the understanding of the companions of our Prophet (saas) to the forefront and if they put forth arts, science, aesthetics and democracy in all its simplicity, Egypt would become a very nice place.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Supporting Israel is a necessity of the moral values of the Qur'an. That is because, according to the Qur'an, Israel will be living there. The verses explicitly state that those lands are their homeland.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The understanding of quality and love in the Koran and how God describes this quality way of living in Paradise should prevail all around the world. When this is not done, then may God forbid, such military coups and conflicts will never end.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A radical understanding of Islam is not acceptable. Such an understanding of Islam would never be accepted anywhere in the world. The world cannot live in peace in radicalism, you cannot live comfortably. People can only be comfortable in a life compliant with the Qur'an, in a life compliant with Islam in the Qur'an.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

If religion is under the control of reasonable, sincere, progressive beautiful people who act on love and compassion- and that is the stage we are in anyway- the world would be saved. We need to take over religion from radicals as soon as possible. Religion belongs to good people, not to bigots and radicals. Radicals are simply using religion.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

It would be persecution; it would be a horrible thing to see Jews as weak people and to follow a hatred policy against them. Persecution brings about persecution. Approaching a handful of Jews with compassion, with kindness would be one of the very important basic reasons in decreasing that tension in Egypt.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Radicalism can never come to power anywhere in the world. They should give up radicalism. God always protects and watches over the understanding of Islam in the sense of the system of the Mahdi, in the sense of the Qur'an, in the sense of love, compassion and mercy.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

It is possible to calm down even the most furious person with love and kindness. A society could be calmed down very nicely if they are angry and enraged. But it is not possible to calm down society by shouting and screaming, by bullying, by making a fuss, by threatening or by radicalism.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Conservative, traditional system is a cancerous structure that suffocates itself in mass psychology. It kills itself as a mass and it makes itself sick.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Man would be happy with arts. When one sees another dressed beautifully, he would feel happy; when one sees beautiful houses, he would feel happy. Be it in music, in paintings, in sculptures, people are in search of beauty; people search beauties which would cheer them up in everything. When one sees such things, he would feel happy.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

People can only be happy in the true sense of the word with faith and with the love of Allah.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are in pain in Egypt. We are of course in search of ways to deliver them.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Sugarcoating coups is not morally appropriate.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The first thing to be done in Egypt is to release Morsi immediately. By establishing an advisory commission under the leadership of Morsi, they can govern Egypt with a shared spirit until the elections.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Ikhwan should never accept statements of hatred. Their being precise about acting on love and compassion would be very nice.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013