God is the One Who shows beauty, He shows beauty as an image. The whole of it belongs to God, God is the One Who makes one love, He is the One Who shows it. So you should give all your love to God. The man who doesn’t give his love to God but gives it to an individual, then starts complaining. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
God is the One Who shows beauty, He shows beauty as an image. The whole of it belongs to God, God is the One Who makes one love, He is the One Who shows it. So you should give all your love to God. The man who doesn’t give his love to God but gives it to an individual, then starts complaining.
The understanding of Ataturk should settle in the CHP. Ataturk’s understanding of love, friendship, brotherhood and unity, his understanding of Turkish Islamic Union, his understanding of Islamic unity, a union of the Turkish world, his understanding of love towards the Qur’an, his approach about women and the arts should settle in the CHP. Once this is covered, there is no need for the CHP to do anything else; our people would embrace them instantly.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Russia and Turkey are longstanding friends and they will remain as friends. Our mutual love is very strong. Our trade is strong because of that, I believe, but trade is of secondary importance for us. Love, friendship, brotherhood, mutual trust; these are the most crucial topics.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Lack of love and a mutual spirit of intimidation are the hotbeds of all problems. This mutual spirit of intimidation should be put away. Love and enthusiasm should be put forth. The spirit of friendship should envelop the whole world. This is the whole issue.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Love is the most powerful weapon in the world. It is sincerity and spirit of friendship. That brings about positive energy. This is what Europe, the world and all of humanity is looking for.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Those who read the Treatise of Light from cover to cover and perfectly understand it attain a distinguished reasoning. They become totally different personalities with their reasoning, with their judgments and submission to God. But that happens when they really know the Treatise of Light, when they internalize and perceive what is written inside.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
When one is wronged, when he is backstabbed, he attains good deeds from that as well. The backstabbed one attains good deeds. God strengthens those who are backstabbed. God strengthens those who are wronged. He would not let them fall in weakness.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Presidential systems end up in great civil commotions, big wars. Nothing happens in parliamentary systems on the other hand. Presidential systems have all collapsed in the Middle East. It has been a pain in the US as well. The presidential system is not an auspicious path; it is a dire method. Let us not get involved with it at all.
(A9 TV; November 29th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The Treatise of Light consists of magnificent books. The Treatise of Light should certainly be read everyday. It should be kept handy. The undistorted, true passages of the Torah and the Gospel should also be benefited from.
(A9 TV; November 28th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Racism is moral turpitude. Black people are really very beautiful people; they are intelligent, talented, good mannered and humble people.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The AK Party should advocate that women should be at least as strong as men in every sphere of life and at least as high in number as men. For instance, at least half of the National Assembly should consist of women. At least half of government officers should also be women and women should be positively discriminated towards.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Women are superior in love, in mercy, in compassion, in quality, in beauty. Women are clever and very intelligent creatures. Men tend to think more superficially, their way of thinking is more plain: Women, on the other hand, are able to think very creatively and they are much stronger than men in their talents and tendency towards the arts, beauty and aesthetics.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you teach hatred for Israel to your people, the whole Islamic world would also learn hatred for each other. If you do not love the children of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), how will you love Muslims? You should love the children of the Prophet Moses (pbuh); you should love the Armenians, Greeks, Catholics, Protestants, so that you could also love Muslims. They all are the servants of Almighty God.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If there is no quality in a country, it means there is nothing left for that country, may God forbid. Without quality, there would be no life, no art. Since life is intertwined with the arts, we give the name “quality” to the beauty that appears in there.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is no one who supports the PKK in the Southeast of Turkey. They give no significance to the PKK. They are actually revolted by them, but they respect their guns. They only feel that respect towards their guns; they only fear their guns and bow in front of those guns, that is the whole issue.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Muslims are the real friends of the Kurdish people. We all love our Kurdish brothers and sisters very much.
(A9 TV; November 27th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you know yourself, it means you know God.
(A9 TV; November 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
What does attempting to divide Turkey mean? It means challenging the system of the Mahdi. Those challenging the system of the Mahdi would be devastated.
(A9 TV; November 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If a member of the parliament does wrong, we would not re-elect him. We would not say, “What is done is done!” but we would have an election and cast our votes. We would not let them go on with that post. Sovereignty belongs to our nation.
(A9 TV; November 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Fear of God is required for love; love of God is required. Love is not for the bone and flesh; the manifestations of God are loved. What would you love in someone if you simply think that person as someone who will die and be diminished? The Infinite One would be loved and that Infinite One is God and one can only feel love for another as a manifestation of God.
(A9 TV; November 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If they attempt to destroy Turkey, they would actually be attempting to destroy the whole world. We would not let that happen. That means a general uprising in Turkey, may God forbid. Everything would be leveled. That would be the greatest insult to our people.