When you look into one’s eyes, God shows that person’s character to you in those eyes. Eyes are crucially important. A woman who has beautiful, deep, intelligent eyes would be very appealing. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
When you look into one’s eyes, God shows that person’s character to you in those eyes. Eyes are crucially important. A woman who has beautiful, deep, intelligent eyes would be very appealing.
By straining themselves people disrupt their dispositions. In their natural dispositions people are immaculately clean like flowers. People disrupt their own morality by intervening themselves, had they not done that, had they left themselves be they would be very noble, gentle and very close to God.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites give a struggle against believers all day long. Believers on the other hand give a scientific struggle against the satan and the system of the dajjal all day long. Believers present a feast of preaching the Message of God. The hypocrites on the other hand first make attacks like scabby dogs and then cringe cowardly.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites give a struggle against believers all day long. Believers on the other hand give a scientific struggle against the satan and the system of the dajjal all day long. Believers present a feast of preaching the Message of God. The hypocrites on the other hand first make attacks like scabby dogs and then cringe cowardly.
Adnan Oktar
This world is a metaphysical environment. There has been a scientific struggle between believers and satan ever since the beginning of this world and this will continue. In this struggle the team of the satan has a fake prophet and believers have true prophets. Dajjal is the fake prophet of this team of the satan. With love, peace, science and wisdom, believers make the beauty of the religious morality prevail all over the world. The system of the dajjal strives to shed blood and make persecution prevail. Although the system of the dajjal might seem bigger and stronger than the believers, it is created to be defeated in destiny.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
It would not be possible for love, respect and appreciation to settle in society unless unilateral Darwinist education is removed. It is not possible to protect women and children solely with criminal sanctions. Criminal sanctions will not be deter those who carry out this ignominy. People would continue to see others as an animal species so long as Darwinism, that denies God, faith and morality, is continued to be taught to people. It is impossible for those who regard each other as animals to experience notions such as respect, love, courtesy and appreciation. As youngsters are cornered by Darwinist education on one side, traditionalist Orthodox system on the other side, a terrifying model comes about. The only way to resolve this is to provide the right kind of education and to raise our youth with an enlightened, modern, science based, faith related education.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Death makes the images we see around more clear. Everything is very clear and sharp for believers in the Hereafter; there is nothing out of focus, nothing blurred. There is nothing that would disturb them or that would make them worry.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The fickle traitors of the British deep state are still making plans and devising plots ignominiously and despicably against our nation and our state. Our President Mr. Erdoğan gave them the most beautiful response by saying “Those who want to learn about the Ottoman slap should have look at the Kut Al Amara and the Gallipoli campaign.”
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
We are one with Heaven. It is like there is a very thin membrane between us, we are that much nested in Heaven. There is no such thing as place in the Sight of God. Place is created for people. God is beyond time and space.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites are working like sewage vacuum trucks. They gather and take away all the filthy ones among believers. They will continue with this task for a while and Muslims would be left an immaculately clean and pure community and by 2023 the moral values of the Qur’an will prevail in the world insha’Allah. At the time of the Mahdi, love will prevail everywhere. Love for God will the topic the Mahdi will emphasize the most.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Servants of God are created as devoted to God. Resisting to admonition becomes the issue here. Violets blossom when left alone. If you step on them they would be crushed. Normally, in their natural disposition people would come to faith, live beautifully and go to Heaven. But since they resist to admonition, since they approach God with suspicion, since they leave aside thinking nicely and avoid doing good, they lead troublesome and distressed lives. Trusting God is what is natural. Disasters follow one another once one starts thinking that his mind is better than God’s. Those who imagine that they are wise would certainly be crushed somehow.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Some people have a propensity to be sidetracked thinking that they are very intelligent and to dive in details and get swallowed. Being sidetracked would generally overwhelm people. That feeling shows itself as crying, sorrow and stress. Not leaving the straightforward path of the Qur’an is of crucial importance.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Some people are created as dead inside. They do not think about the Day of Reckoning. In many verses of the Qur’an God says that -even though people think that they are alive- “they are dead, not alive, and that they are not aware of when they will be raised,” and tells us not to be adversely affected by their unbelief. God creates such people specifically as a part of the trial.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The hypocrites collect and take away all the filthy, characterless, ignoble, despicable people they find around are like the crow that cleans the ticks that are situated on the lion. Hypocrites’ collecting and taking away all those filthy ones is a great relief and a great blessing from the believers.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Being sincere is the easiest thing in this world. But a great majority of the people prefers the contrary. They insistently behave insincerely. Neither their speeches nor their gazes, or their behaviors are sincere. In fact, insincerity would cause great discomfort to a believer.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
A sincere person would instantly see the Existence and the Power of God. A person should put his trust in God with all his might and love God with a profound love. We will be tested no matter what, being subjected to this test is a must. God says that He will give enormous troubles even to Hazrat Mahdi. Those who love God would show patience in the face of all troubles and those who don’t would go astray.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Being sincere is the easiest, most pleasurable, most refreshing thing in this world. Most people insistently chose to be affected. Affected mimics, affected speeches. The voices, the gazes and the behaviors of 90% of the people are not their natural ones, they are not sincere. Insincerity pollutes people.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Our brothers should approach God honestly without attitudinizing. One would see the Power of God instantly when one looks around sincerely. How could one trust his own parents if he is not able to trust in this Almighty Power Who has such great intelligence? Trusting your parents whom God has created but not trusting God is an evil disease. When people save themselves from this disease, a profound love is the blessing God bestows upon them. Trials and ordeals are all a part of this love. It is a pleasure to endure ordeals for one’s Beloved. God would not give any burden or ordeal that one cannot bear.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
I only abide by the Qur’an. It is freedom that I like. Both women and men should enjoy freedom. Pressure would disrupt one’s ability to think, ability to compilation, ability to create. It would depress people, get them down and disrupt their ability to speak. The Qur’an is a blessing of freedom presented to the Qur’an by God, it is the book of freedom. There is no system, no faith, no understanding of morality that brings as much freedom to people as the Qur’an does.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Jealousy means wanting others to lose the blessings they’ve been given. A jealous person would be saddened when the other is blessed with goodness and would be happy when the other faces malice. That is a grave immorality and a grave persecution. God has a secret knowledge. The envied one would become even more auspicious, even more vivacious and fitter while the one who envies becomes pale, exhausted and devastated.
(A9 TV; February 19th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
They have given a very negative education about women. They are educating people by indoctrinating them that women are beings between humans and animals. They also train women telling them “you are deficient, you are half-beings.” They tell them “Your husband might beat you up, he would thus let off steam, you should never complain about that.” And then they claim that it is our Prophet who said that. Our Prophet would have never ever said such an ugly thing. They are giving such a foul education that they become unable to give women- one of the most beautiful blessings of God- their due value. They become unable to love and respect them.