Belief in angels, belief in destiny; these should be thought about one by one, pondered upon and settled in one's mind as perfect belief. I mean, a great majority of the public has such beliefs, but they remain as superficial information in their minds; however, settled knowledge could only be formed in devout Muslims. One needs to turn that into settled knowledge. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Belief in angels, belief in destiny; these should be thought about one by one, pondered upon and settled in one's mind as perfect belief. I mean, a great majority of the public has such beliefs, but they remain as superficial information in their minds; however, settled knowledge could only be formed in devout Muslims. One needs to turn that into settled knowledge.
Once one decides on loving God, his horizons would be opened up. The flow of information in his brain would increase. His reasoning and judgment would be opened.
(A9 TV; June 18th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Almighty God emphasizes the importance of belief in the Hereafter and Heaven, and of preparing oneself for Heaven. A Muslim should concentrate on that topic and discipline himself in that respect. I mean it should not be blurred information but a clear knowledge. Life and Heaven should constantly be nested in one another.
(A9 TV; June 17th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
If one thinks about Heaven superficially, his brain could only perceive it superficially and a superficial belief could be formed. But if one concentrates well and, comes to have faith nicely and asks for that information from God insistently, Heaven and the Hereafter will become clear in his mind.
(A9 TV; June 17th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
God sent ISIS to wipe out the PKK. Are the methods employed by ISIS right? No, they are wrong, but God creates them like that as an affliction cast upon the PKK.
(A9 TV; June 17th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
People do not devote themselves completely to God; I can see that there is a great mass of people who would abandon religion once it conflicts with their interests. The Mahdi (pbuh), on the other hand, is a person who would always ask for the good pleasure of God even if it conflicts with all his interests. As it is understood from the hadiths, he would withdraw himself from all aspects of social life.
(A9 TV; June 17th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
A Muslim should carry out serious preparations for Heaven throughout the day and focus on Heaven. One should fear Hell, but should prepare himself thoroughly to the Hereafter. A Muslim should prepare himself for Heaven, not for Hell.
(A9 TV; June 17th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
A modern, enlightened, loving Islam, that is based on love will prevail in the world. They should not struggle in vain other than that. It is not possible to attain any results without a modern understanding of Islam.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Once you get dragged into the swamp of traditionalism it is like a bottomless pit which contaminates you more and more. Radicalism is an affliction that increases incrementally. One says, "I am a radical." The other says, "I am even more radical." They wallow into the most inconceivable filth in competing one another .
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Islam will appear in the face of this world as an utterly modern, joyous, healthy system, open to science and arts, open to beauty and aesthetics. It will appear like Heaven. Islam will not be an environment full of filth and darkness, causing people to suffer, hanging people, chopping people up, far removed from aesthetics; it will not be an environment in which filthy people are living. God would not harm Islam like that and will not let Muslims harm Islam like that.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The world would never accept an understanding of Islam that is incompatible with human nature. First and foremost, God would not accept it: Every time they attempt to bring about such a corrupt, rotten, filthy understanding of religion that reminds one of Hell, God would degrade them, humiliate them, drag them on the ground and ruin them; let me state this openly. They should forget about it.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There should be music, there should be paintings, there should be statues, there should be aesthetics; young girls should be able to wander around well-groomed, young men should be able to wander around handsome and glorious. Let everywhere be like an art gallery. Then the whole world would admire Muslims.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Quality and aesthetics are the most important topics. They are what embellishes, what beautifies life.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
I keep saying this insistently; had they advocated the modern understanding of Islam in Egypt, the whole of Europe and the US would have supported them. The whole world would love them, recognizing them as an amazing power as well. One should perform prayers, fast, give alms, make pilgrimage yet they should simply be modern. They resist this.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There is no need to get into a direct conflict with their idols. If necessary, one might protect his faith appearing like he is siding with that idol. I mean if there is a danger, if the idol is about to crush him, if it is going to cost him his life, if it will prevent him from living by his religion, one might act as if he is siding with the idols. This is also defined in the Qur'an; one wouldn't be responsible from that.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Anywhere God is in – and there is no place He is not- is like Heaven with faith. If one does not believe in God, no matter where he goes, it will be his Hell.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
They have changed Islam into a pagan, polytheistic system –may God forbid- and the way God uses to bring people into line, to correct their wrong ways is through disasters and scourges, through hunger, wars and terror; God creates a devastating terror for them to change their ways, so they back down from their ways. They, in return hold on more tightly to their idols imagining that their salvation is in those idols. The truth of the matter is that such an attitude is the exact reason why they are in this state.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
All of the people residing in the region hate the PKK. It is not possible for people to love or respect an aggressor group using violence.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Idols have always been hated throughout the course of history. But because they have a unifying impact, they garner a fake respect.
(A9 TV; June 16th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Mahdi(pbuh) is a calm, tranquil, gentle person. In the hadith, our Prophet (saas) says that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be ruling from his home. He is a teacher of love. He is the one who will ensure that the whole world loves one another.
(A9 TV; June 15th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Sound comes into existence from material inside the brain that doesn't exist. There is no sound outside. But out of material, sound comes into existence, light comes into existence; inside the brain, that doesn't exist. There is nothing to be called taste outside. Taste is formed inside the brain. But this is not the brain made up of flesh; it is the brain that is comprised of radiance. We are thinking and talking with the brain made up of radiance.