
Adnan Oktar

Darwinism is not science, it is a blind belief. It is a philosophy.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

No one can advocate Darwinism where there is The Atlas of Creation.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Woman or man, anyone who abides by the Qur'an would be happy. Anyone who aims to win the good pleasure of Allah would lead a happy and honorable life.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

We continue our beneficial works in Morocco, in Tunisia, in Algeria and all around the world.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A person without a cause would drift apart.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The abundance in the Islamic world and in Turkey is the abundance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Allah has started rains after that drought for the sake of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

One and the first of the portents of the Last Day is the appearance of Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Allah creates every food, Allah is the one Who shows one to the table.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Had the PKK advocate the Unity of Islam, that would be a great occasion all through the world and it would be great.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A Muslim, a Christian or a Jew cannot be devout if he does not accept any of the Prophets. Even if he doesn't accept only one prophet, that would be a profanity.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The person who is being communicated religion, should not be offered religious services at first but only faith.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has been guided by Allah towards the Unity of Islam.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The greatest goal of many bigots is to stop Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will make Islam prevail in the whole Europe.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

There is no power to be ascribed to Esad, Putin has the power. The minute Putin withdraws his support from Syria, the regime will be overthrown. Syrian dissidents should back Putin.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Our Sheikh, our Sultan, His Highness Sheikh Nazım Al-Qubrusi is the adornment of Cyprus. Mediterranean is beautiful with him.
A9 TV; January 16th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Whole world should appreciate the value of the true guides.
A9 TV; January 17th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Cultural attack against Marxism is very important. The first thing to do is to collapse Darwinism.
A9 TV; January 17th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

313 people that will accompany Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be people who have complete faith in Allah.
A9 TV; January 17th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Islam is a religion lived in hearts. With the conquest of hearts, Islam will prevail .
A9 TV; January 17th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Communism spreads out in many places successively through fear. I mean many people accepts communism because of fear.
A9 TV; January 17th, 2013