English, Spanish, and French magazine, based in Spain, MBC Times International published Harun Yahya’s article "Will anything change after Kenji Goto?" on February 20th 2015. You may read the article at the below link.
Will anything change after Kenji Goto?
There will be no change with Obama
Winds of Change in Turkey
What will change with Abadi?
Converted to Islam after watching a video
After Israel, the new goal is Armenia
Changing what is in oneself - 2
Those who want to change the world
A day that changed Turkey
The Changing Face Of War || National Yemen
The leader will be Turkey, if the world order is to change
Winds of change in Turkey
Truths that will change your life
Rapid policy changes in the Middle East
How a "little boy" changed the world forever
No change since Aylan’s death
“My humble request from our people is that no one should write anything provoking that would create tumult”
What Has Changed Since September 11th?
Through What kind of Change Can the Muslim Brotherhood Succeed?