English daily newspaper published from Pakistan, The Daily Mail, published Harun Yahya's article "Is PKK’s terror really ending in Turkey?" on June 17th, 2015.
Is PKK's Terror Really Ending in Turkey?
Is PKK’s terror really ending in Turkey?
Is PKK's terror really ending in Turkey?
PKK capitalizing on violence in Turkey
Turkey will not be defeated by terror
All parties must take a joint action to put an end to terror in Turkey
EU unfair to Turkey over PKK
Islamic Brotherhood will put an end to terrorism
Turkey Left to Face Terror
No Darwinist is really a Darwinist at all
What Has Turkey Learned From Terrorism?
Turkey left to face terror
Is the cause really sectarian division?
Allah's art of portraying matter as if it really existed
Erdogan: I love Kurdish people more than the members of the terror organisition of PKK do
PKK playing the victim
Socialism, Terrorism, Violence And War Will Come To An End With The Disappearance Of Darwinism
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Will the Geneva Talks Really Produce a Solution to Syria?