Toplumdaki ahlaki çöküş ne zaman son bulacak?

The first one is the story of an 18-year-old California girl who caused a traffic accident that ejected her 14-year old sister from the vehicle while driving drunk. At first sight, this could be seen as one of the millions of traffic accidents that occur everyday in almost any part of the world. Yet there were some horrific details of this fatal crash that distinguished it from all others. Instead of trying to save her sister, the girl who caused the crash recorded a live video of the accident that left her 14-year-old sister dead and posted a Livestream of it on her social media account. In the recording, screams were heard and waving arms for help were seen while the girl was singing and making hand gestures accompanying the music in the background. At the end of the recording the girl made an expletive commentary: “My sister is … dying. Look... I ... love my sister to death.”

Daily Arabic language political newspaper based in Baghdad, Al Mada newspaper is independent and one of the mostly read publication of Iraq. Al Mada newspaper published Harun Yahya’s article.
