The news portal based in Azerbaijan, Edebiyyat, publishes Harun Yahya articles.,%20solutions%20to%20counter%20IS%20threat
West is wrong in its analyses, solutions to counter IS threat
Islam is not the source of terrorism, but its solution
The West's strategic mistake
Yemen Times – islam is Not The Source Of Terrorism But its Solution
A Growing Threat in the Levant
The 'fire' spreads to the West
Two wrongs don't make a right
Is it terror only when the target is the West?
The Left is the wrong option for Europe
A bridge between Islam and the West: Turkey
A growing threat in the Levant || Milli Gazette
It is impossible to understand the events of the end times without learning these analyses of Said Nursi
Politics is not the only solution
Europe: Right fight, wrong weapon
The Spiritual Bridge connecting the West and the East
Turkey, another name for solution