The Muslim Observer, well-known Islamic weekly of America, began to publish Mr. Adnan Oktar’s books called “Unawareness: A Sly Threat” on December 25th, 2009.
Unawareness: A Sly Threat
Unawareness: A sly threat
Escaping unawareness - 2
A Growing Threat in the Levant
Satan's efforts to drag believers into unawareness
Living an Unaware Life
How much of a threat are cyber-attacks?
Balkan: Extreme nationalism is still a major threat
Extreme nationalism is still a major threat
Refugees Not a Threat, But an Important Asset for Europe
Facts about the Human Body of Which Darwinists Are Unaware
Extreme nationalism is still a major threat || Bosnia Times
West is wrong in its analyses, solutions to counter IS threat
Travel ban not a solution to terror threat
A growing threat in the Levant || Milli Gazette
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not say, ''I am Hazrat Mahdi (as)'' but he will permit them to grasp ''the truth of the Mahdi'' by lifting the fog of unawareness from their eyes
Unaware of the unpleasant face of Atheist Freemasonry, many devout people unwittingly serve the atheist Masonic system