WEEVIL (With its counterpart)
The community of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble ''pure and fertile wheat.'' hypocrites, who leave them, on the other hand, will be like ''vile and loathsome weevils in this wheat.''
The exemplary attitudes of believers in times of difficulty
Pikakia: Atlas of Creation distributed widely across the world
Refraining from idolatry
Drowning migrants is a blot on humanity
Surat al-Anfal, 49 (nature of hypocrites)
Surat al-Falaq (Allah creates the daybreak of Islam)
The Ruler of Rulers, Sultan Abdulaziz, May He Rest in Peace
Is the Objective to Annihilate Terrorism or the Islamic World?
In his book the great Sunni scholar Suyuti relates trustworthy hadith regarding that the life of the world lasts 7000 years
Turkey Heeds Its Conscience Rather Than Its Interests
To be forgiving of mistakes
Drones set to soar in all fields
President Gül: Non-believers must also be able to live freely
The existence of animal societies
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That islam is The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
M. A. M. Chida ( President, Halalco Books )
Turkey has done a lot for its Syrian brothers
The Collapse Of Darwinism And The Miracle Of Human Creation Conference