WEEVIL (With its counterpart)
The community of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble ''pure and fertile wheat.'' hypocrites, who leave them, on the other hand, will be like ''vile and loathsome weevils in this wheat.''
Mr. Egemen Bağış: What would be the difference if the weapons they use are chemical or conventional
Oman - January 16th, 2011 - Mr. Adnan Oktar replies to the questions of Times of Oman
RAMADAN 2008 - THE 6th DAY
No end in sight for sufferings of Rohingyas
Focus Magazine"s Microevolution Deception
The Emperor Penguin's Unequalled Patience
Mr. M. Sevket Eygi: Why Do Muslims not Have a Leader?
Surat al-Najm, 60
Qur'an Treats Men, Women Equally
Atheist Richard Morgan finds God and turns to religion by following "Richard Dawkins" forum
Nur Magazine
The chemical brain of the venus fly trap plant
The outstanding morality of devout people in the face of the trials they come across in life
Red Terror raising its head
The Evolutionist Scenario over “Homo naledi” Has Come to Nothing
"Islam and Science" Conference at the Centre for Higher Secondary Education
World in the clutches of have-mores
The Cynicism of realpolitik
The Miracle Of Electricity In The Body
Isolated Russia
Isolating Russia: A Perilous Policy for the World Peace