What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar has said for years that the PKK would never lay down their arms and that they would wait as a strategy to gain more power, more ammunition, further their weapons quality and intelligence strategies.

As a matter of fact, in a recent interview conducted by the Wall Street Journal, PKK militants admitted they continued to grow and organize during the peace talks.

From A9 TV Interview of  December 31st,  2012

Mr. Adnan Oktar: “The PKK got what they wanted so far with guns. And it will continue to do so with guns as well. It will never, ever lay down its arms. They would rather die but never accept to do so. They are the type of people who already welcome death. They are not the type of people who want to live; many people don't know that. These men say that they will either kill or die. It is an outcome of a Communist, Stalinist mind. The PKK will never lay down its arms whatsoever. They say it anyway: “We got to this point with guns.  We will continue from here with guns as well. What Abdullah Ocalan wants is to establish a federation and become its president. Terror will only cease then”, he says.

The PKK chose to wait strategically for the moment. They don’t rush, but carry out field work. They gather allies and men. They are improving their weapons’ quality at the moment. They are acquiring new ammo with higher destructive power. They are improving their intelligence power, finding out the locations of military bases, police buildings, places from where they can attack and ways to do it. They are in a strategic expansion and doing intelligence-gathering activity. Abdullah Ocalan is seeking to become legitimate at this moment.”



August 21, 2015, Internet Haber

Shocking confession from PKK! We grew during the negotiation process!

YDG-H militants that spoke to WSJ in Silopi said: ‘. “We knew that the state would drop the peace talks, so we grew and organized ourselves meanwhile.”

We Organized Ourselves in Every City of Turkey

22 year old female commander who identified herself as ‘Berman’ and who was responsible for a 10-people unit said: ‘There are many of us. We are in every city of Turkey now.’ She left university in Istanbul last year to join a group known as the Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement, or YDG-H, which the Turkish government says is the PKK’s youth unit. “We knew that the state would drop the peace talks, so we grew and organized ourselves meanwhile.”