Responsible for the millions of innocent people in the Islamic world suffering oppression.
Every Muslim who does not strive for Islamic Union is responsible for the millions of innocent people in the Islamic world suffering oppression
Protecting those under persecution is the responsibility of every Muslim
What Muslims must bear in mind every minute and every hour
And What About the Hundreds of Muslims Martyred Every Day?
Qatar Crisis And Muslims’ Responsibility
There is surely ease with every difficulty
Muslims Who Point Guns At Other Muslims
The Turkish-Islamic Union will be the salvation of the Pattani Muslims
Every Year, 1500 to 2000 Catholics Convert to Islam
Every person will be held accountable for himself
A Muslim does not surrender to every spontaneous feeling he has...
Would you want to be friends with a person who displays a different and surprise personality every day or every hour of the day?
A Muslim who believes in evolution does not leave the faith, but believes in a deception that science has disproved
Every corner of the world fights against disasters
Islamic Union
Mr. M. Sevket Eygi: Every Muslim Has An Obligation to Struggle For the Unity of the Ummah
Harun Yahya Calls Muslims To Unity And Union
The whole Muslim world must strive for the liberation of the oppressed people of Kashmir
Jews News: “The Muslim Leader who quotes the Torah”
A mujaddid (reviver) will come in every century
Islamic Union is a must