Celal Şengör has claimed that 40,000 species disappear every year and that 1,000 new species evolve to replace them. But the idea that new species evolve is an invalid one.


Celal Şengör has claimed that 40,000 species disappear every year and that 1,000 new species evolve to replace them. But the idea that new species evolve is an invalid one. 

It is true that new species are discovered every year. There may be two explanations of this:

-       Newly discovered species may be one that already exist but have never been encountered before. Indeed, the regions where such species are discovered are arid lands, distant oceans or the sea bed, where no research has been conducted before. These species that emerge as new research is performed, are very probably ones that have been around for years but that no one has come across before. 

-       A second possibility is that these new species have just been created. Allah’s creation out of nothing takes place out of human sight, where it cannot be seen. (Allah knows the truth.) Allah creates as a miracle. But unless He wills otherwise, nothing of this kind happens before people’s eyes, in a zoo, for instance. 

Two important points need to be clarified here: 

-       This is that if it is to be claimed that the species in question have evolved, we should also be able to find species in the course of evolving, alongside these perfectly developed ones. A thousand new species a year is a large number, and the signs of this supposed evolution should be visible. But there is not the slightest evidence of this. All the life forms discovered are complete, perfect and flawless. 

-       Second, the living things described as new species are usually variations.  Darwinists frequently engage in propaganda and describe variations as “species.” The fact is that the newly discovered life form carries information of the frog that has been living for 200 million years. This is no new life form. No new information has been added to the frogs we are already familiar with, and they have not turned into a new species somehow different from the frog. This difference is nothing more than that between a white man and a black man.


The purple-patterned atelopus frog newly discovered in Surinam may differ in terms of appearance and pattern, but it is simply a variation of normal frog species. It is not a new species, as has been claimed in Darwinist publications. In terms of its anatomical structure it is identical to the frog below, which dates back some 200 million years.