London-based, independent media research institution which is focused mostly on Palestine and Middle Eastern issues publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Is the war on terror on the right path?
Declare war on terror, but how?
The right partners in fighting terrorism
What is the right path for Turkish democracy?
Obeying the majority misleads man from the right path
The Ramifications of the Post-9-11 "War on Terror"
An Oil War in Libya, Not a War of Liberation
War: A requisite or a choice?
War is never justified
Terrorism and Turkey
No religion preaches war
Giving right answer to terror
The Solution To Terror In Pakistan
War and Peace, Revisited
Socialism, Terrorism, Violence And War Will Come To An End With The Disappearance Of Darwinism
It Is A Natural Right For Kashmiri People To Have The Right To Self-Determination
Is 'War on Terror' largely self-defeating?
Drones: The Ugly War or Terror Itself?