on Azarbaijani Press (Azerbaycan, 17.11.2010, Various Azarbaijani Press)
Union of Religions Conference in Dusseldorf
On the Road to Turkish-Islamic Union...
A Call For An islamic Union Conference At The Hong Kong Polytech University
The Government Aims For the Turkish Islamic Union
Adnan Oktar has emphasized the importance of the Turkish-Islamic union || Turkish-Islamic union
Union Of Faiths Conference At The Manchester islamic High School For Girls
The Turkish-Islamic Union will be the salvation of the Pattani Muslims
"islamic Union And Miracles Of The Qur'an" Conference At The Gold Coast Mosque, Australia
A Solution For Egypt: Immediate Turkish-Islamic Union
Islamabad, Conference On The Turkish-Islamic Union At The International Islamic University
Turkey is the natural leader of the Turkish-Islamic Union
Clausthal University Conferences
Harun Yahya Conferences in the UK
The light of the Turkish-Islamic union will illuminate east Turkestan
Harun Yahya’s participation to ‘Islam and Peace’ conference in Sicily
The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution Conference At islamic Center Of Redlands
The solution in Krygyzstan is the Turkish-Islamic Union
Clausthal University Conference
Conference at En-Naeem Mosque
Conference at the Locle Mosque
Harun Yahya Conferences / Denmark - Sweden
Sine qua nons of the Cyprus conference
No blood will be shed in the world when the Turkish-Islamic union is established
Petronas – Conference on "The Invalidity of Darwinism" - Bintulu
The Miracles Of The Qur'an And The Fact Of Creation Conference At Raleigh islam Union, North Carolina