What He Said?What Happened?

Murat Karayilan, the leader of PKK, responded to the recent claims of the media which said, “PKK's back has been broken”. Upon Karayılan’s response, Mr. Adnan Oktar said  that the Turkish state should challenge the PKK and insistently open up that area.

Shortly after this statement of Mr. Oktar, the Turkish Armed Forces responded Karayılan’s claim that a great part of Hakkari and Sirnak are under the PKK’s control with photographs.


September 28th 2015, A9 TV

(Murat Karayılan, the leader of the PKK, responded the claim that the PKK's back had been broken. He said: “Now that you say the PKK's back has been broken, I expect you to come to the district of Çukurca by a vehicle or climb up the closest hill to Bayt al-Shabab and look around. If you, as the Turkish State, manage to clear and open up the highway between Cukurca and Hakkari and make it functional, I would say "bravo" to you.")

ADNAN OKTAR: Notice that the guy [Murat Karayılan] is challenging you. As the Turkish state and the Turkish government, you have to do what is told. If you fail to do it, you should hand over to the one who can. If it is the soldiers who cannot accomplish it, replace them with related police officers. If it the police who fail, replace them with the manager. They have to raze there to the ground. I am taken aback, and I cannot believe it. See, the man is pointing the location as well. Simply because we need to break their stubbornness, you have to open that area. Do what you have to do. A few soldiers would not be sufficient. Mobilisation is a must. 

January 15th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I am waiting for good news. When these arrogant people get spoiled and make it look like they obtained that part of our homeland territory, all of the Turkish people takes offence. We cannot tolerate that. That should be resolved as soon as possible. If we are to be martyrs, so be it. However, if we are to take the Southeast back from PKK, let it be so.  Either let all of them, eight million people, be martyrs and it would be over or let that part of our country be recovered. 


October 2nd 2015, İnternet Haber

Turkish Armed Forces’ response to Karayılan with Photograph

The Turkish Armed Forces responded to the claim of Murat Karayilan, the leader of PKK, which said, "they keep a large number of regions in Hakkari and Sirnak under their grip" through photographs.

The photographs taken on October 1st show the Mehmetciks [the Turkish soldiers] keeping watch in the mountains and base areas of Bayt al-Shabab. The security sources stating that PKK is on the ropes point out the following: "The Turkish Armed Forces, our security forces, our police forces are on top of each hill in Bayt al-Shabab. There's no need to for more words. Which one talks through his hat? Where are Karayilan and his killers? The contradictions in his statement itself indicate the current situation of the PKK clearly. He attempts to intimidate our Kurdish citizens with such lies.”