Çay TV, 23rd of July, 2008

Adnan Oktar:Everyone must honestly believe that TURKEY IS HEADING IN GOOD DIRECTION  and that WE WILL REALLY BECOME A SUPER STATE. Turkey will be a greater state than it has ever been in the past. Insha’Allah, it will be the leader of the Turkish-Islamic world. We are at the initial stages of this historic mission. And the Turkish nation is one that will free the whole world from anarchy, terror, distress, pain and all its sufferings. It is a really noble, decent nation toughened by troubles and sufferings. It has a spirit oriented towards managing the world and being of use to it. It seems that Allah has bestowed this task on our nation, insha’Allah. We shall soon see this coming true, insha’Allah.

Turkiye, August 2, 2010

Turkey is the winner country of the 21st Century


The Embassador Jeffrey completed his words as such: “ Do not worry about Turkey. Turkey is one of the greatest winners of the end of the 20th and and the beginning of the 21st century…”