What He Said?What Happened?

In one of his conversations, Mr. Adnan Oktar said that doctors should be held in high regard everywhere, and stated that the penal sanction for aggression against doctors should be more severe.

Likewise, in a speech, Our Prime Minister, Mr. Davutoglu stated that those who commit violence against health care personnel will be arrested.

November 4th, 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: There is an ongoing trend among patient relatives of attacking [health care personnel], breaking the doors and windows of emergency units. They think it is a heroic act. These people are on their foot all day long, trying to do their jobs among patients covered in blood, among screaming, wailing people. They have a very difficult job. People should show some sympathy.

Better working conditions can be provided for doctors and health care personnel. They should be held in high regard everywhere. The penal sanctions for aggression against doctors should be more severe.


March 12th, 2016, Haberler

In a speech, Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu said:

"We are taking measures for violence against health care personnel. Those who commit violence against health care personnel will be taken into custody. This matter will be treated with utmost attention. Our police will be responsible for the safety of health care facilities and coordination of private security personnel. Those who threaten or insult the health care personnel will be arrested. We will ensure peaceful and safe working conditions for our doctors and health care personnel."