A9 TV; 5 November 2011

I have seen somewhere yesterday. Some of our brothers say we should pray three times a day, others say twice. Now look. I can quote reference sources. From where? From Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasai and Ibn al-Majah. I can quote references from all books of trustworthy hadiths. According to the account handed down by Abu Huraira: “He heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “If there is a river before the door of one of you, if that person washes in the river five times a day, would there be any trace of dirt left on him?” And the Companions said, “Not a trace of dirt would be left on him.” Then Rasulullah (pbuh) said: “Praying five times a day is like that. Allah says that sins are washed away with prayer five times a day.” So much for praying three times a day!

“A man asked Rasulullah (pbuh) about the times of the prayers. And he replied: "Pray with me for the (next) two days.” (On that day) he commanded Bilal to recite the call to prayer just as the Sun was setting. He recited the call at noon.” Look, he made the call to prayer at noon. “He later commanded him to recite it for noon. The he commanded him to recite it when the Sun was high, and white and bright, and he recited the call for the afternoon. He then commanded him as the Sun set, and he recited the call for the evening. He then commanded him as the light faded over the horizon, and he recited it for the night-time prayer. Then as dawn was breaking he recited the call for morning prayer. On the second day he commanded Bilal to wait until the atmosphere was cooler. And he delayed the call until it was very much cooler. He then performed the afternoon prayer rather after the Sun was at its highest, later than on the day before. He performed the evening prayer shortly before the whiteness faded from the horizon. The night-time prayer he performed after one-third of the night had passed. He performed the morning prayer when it was truly light. He then asked, “Where is he who asked about the times of the prayers?” And the man who had asked identified himself. And he said, “The times of the prayers are between those (two times) you have seen.”

So you see, these five prayers are totally clear. Look, from all these reference sources at once. Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasai and Ibn al- Majah. So that puts an end to it, insha’Allah.

A9 TV; 29 November 2011

The obligatory nature of the prayer is a clear command in the Qur’an. Allah makes it compulsory and says what will happen when people do not pray. Allah explicitly states in the Qur’an that we must pray five times a day. That is also clear from the hadiths. Allah says in one verse that if people in hell are asked why there are there, they will say it is because they did not pray. That is the first thing. So everyone can see that prayer must not be abandoned. That much is clear. Allah commands prayer and also says what will happen if people do not pray. Covering one’s head is different. Allah makes it compulsory, but He does not say what will happen of people do not do it. We can see from that how important prayer is.

A9 TV;  September 1st, 2011

A person who believes that a turban is fardh (obligatory) would surely not take it off. Would someone cease to fulfill his prayers because he needs to go to school? If they say, “ We will not let you perform your prayers when you go to school!”, one would never say: “Is that so? Then, I would cease to fulfill my prayers and go to school.” If he has faith, then he will fulfill the requirements of his faith.

A9 TV; November 6th, 2011

(Regarding the audience member who sent a message stating that he does not belong to any of the Islamic schools.)

In this time not belonging to any Islamic school would be dangerous. How will he do it? In this time, it is obligatory to belong to a particular Islamic school. Until the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as), it is obligatory to be of an Islamic school. There are the Hanafi, Hambali, Maliki and Shafi schools. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat Ali (ra) and Hazrat Uthman (ra); they are sweeter than one another. They are all lovely and they are all more blessed than one another . Hazrat Ali (ra) is my grandfather. He is my dearest. But do not make such comparisons. We must apply matters just as how our Prophet (saas) said: for instance our Prophet (saas) says, “The most superior one is Hazrat Abu Bakr.” Other than that, it would be inappropriate. We can not say, “This is what our Prophet (saas) says, but I think otherwise.” They are all fine, all sweeter than one another. Hazrat Omar (ra) is very intelligent, he was a very magnificent person. May Allah grant him mercy. Hazrat Uthman (ra) is called Zinnurayn, right? Our Prophet (saas) says that he possessed a double light. They are very sweet people. They cause blasphemy through such words. It is a cause for division also. What kind of a mindset would it be? When you go to Paradise, you will embrace all of them. “I loved you more.” Let it reside with Allah. Do not make such things. Do not put them forward  as causes of blasphemy and division. It is a pity! If you could ever see Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), you would go and prostrate at  his feet. You would love him very dearly. Why do you utter such offensive words? If he ever heard such words, Hazrat Ali (ra) would feel uncomfortable. He would surely not enjoy thinking that he was more beloved. Hazrat Ali (ra) was a very modest, sweet person. There was no competition among them. But you form an environment of competition. There is neither competition nor any hostility among them. They all love one another. You must also love one another. Love the Companions of our Prophet (saas). Be convinced with what our Prophet (saas) said so that the issue would be over, Insha’Allah.

A9 TV; September 7th, 2011

In response to the question: “How should we asses verses regarding cutting off of hands or whipping?”

These are verses of deterrent nature. At that time, during the time of our Prophet (saas) nobody committed theft. Nobody. Whose hand was cut? It is very, very, very rare. May be one, two or three cases, at most, insha’Allah. Whipping was also very very rare. They are deterrent verses; they are intended to humiliate. On the other hand, if a Muslim is in need, he says so  and gets whatever he wants. For instance he says, “What a nice vase.” The other Muslim says, “Just take it my brother. You may have it.” Muslims do not have such  greed. What will be stolen? There is no milieu for that. In the time of our Prophet (saas) and Hazrat Mahdi (as), wealth will flow like rivers. Why would one go and steal? If he is mad, then it is something else. He is treated then. A sick person is not subject to penalty. If he needs, he can simply take what he needs. What exists out there that a Muslim can not reach? Food, clothes, anything…There is nothing a Muslim would not get. When a Muslim wants properties, he gets it. This is also the same in Islam. If someone has coveted something, you must say, “Here it is yours.” This is how it should be. No one would ever be in need or hungry. Why would theft be? This is a provision that is intended to deter people, and it is not a penalty that is implemented practically. The same thing holds true for whipping. Is it ever possible that four people can witness adultery at the same time? Allah commands in the Qur’an, “Do not enter homes from windows.” You can not enter secretly. He has to knock the door. The man will come to open the door in his clothes and ask, “What is it?” This being the case, how would those four people altogether witness the state of fornication and whip them? These are the verses that degrade, deter and threaten. Think of a child coveting some kind of food or a toy. You immediately buy it and give it to the child. How nice is Islam! You make him happy right at that moment.

A9 TV; September 7th, 2011

Once Allah makes something haram (unlawful), it is auspicious, insha’Allah. For instance Allah makes adultery haram. Otherwise you can not take pleasure from a woman. You simply die; Allah takes away your potency. It kills obsession and love. A woman turns into flesh and bones. She becomes devastated, may Allah forbid. In fornication, the woman turns into a wall. A man who does not commit adultery feels tremendous desire, love and obsession towards the woman. Towards the lawful wife, Allah gives a special power. That is why, our Prophet (saas) and all the other prophets are very potent. One has an inconceivable love and obsession towards women. This is not pure lust. There is also lust, but ninety nine percent of it is the love of Allah, insha’Allah.

For instance gambling is unlawful. He who gambles always loses. He always feels sorry because he takes all the money of his friend. What happens? They simply become enemies to one another. Allah says, “There will be enmity between you.” Allah bans drinking, gambling, fortune-telling. There is a blessing and beauty in these. Then continues friendship. You take all his money and possessions. Then he feels rage, hatred. The one whose money is taken feels degraded, humiliated, right? Better to earn money through lawful means, right? They lose at all times. They lose the money they are supposed to spend on his kids. Alternatively, they invest all their money into drinking. When these are eliminated, life becomes beautiful insha’Allah.

A9 TV; 9 September 2011

They constantly ask me to dwell on Islamic law. If you have faith, if you are sincere, you can go and read the catechism written by Omar Nasuhi Bilmen. Is it possible to explain Islamic law during the limited time of a TV show? There are the conditions of regular prayer, the ritual ablution, the ritual ablution of the whole body. They are very detailed. If you explain them, people may not keep them in mind very well. But when it is read from the book, there will be no room for any errors. They must read the issues letter by letter and think over them. If a person is illiterate, or under a difficult situation, in a desolate place like a mountain where he has no access to any books or Internet, if he has no opportunities, then it becomes compulsory for one to go and explain to him.

A9 TV; 9 September 2011

 Everyone must perform his salat. It is not becoming to avoid prayers. For instance Christians have forgotten their salat; it also exists in Gospel. There is salat also in Judaism but it is forgotten. Salat is very inclusive. All the stages of salat are explicitly explained but it is forgotten. Only the ummah of Muhammad (saaas) has retained it. It is the Sunnah of all the prophets on the other hand. There is no explanation of avoidance from salat, insha’Allah. Both in the spiritual and physical sense it is beneficial insha’Allah.