English language daily popular Pakistani newspaper, Daily Times, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
The Turkish People’s Message
The Turkish people’s message
A message from Hong Kong
The Perfect Detail in Message-Transmitting Cells
Turkish in Mexico
''Turkish Peace''
It is the Turkish-Islamic Union that will make the Tunisian people attain the longed-for peace
Turkish troops are a guarantee for the Afghan people, of course they must be in Afghanistan
The Safety of Our Syrian Refugee Brothers is Entrusted to the Hospitable Turkish People
Countersign for the Turkish council
Turkish-Islamic Union is a destiny
The Chinese people and other nations will also rejoice under the protection of the Turkish-Islamic Union
The perfect detail in message-transmitting cells
Turkish Union is obligatory
The Turkish border has to be ‘secure’
Turkish model
The People Of The Book
The Turkish Border Has to be ‘Secure’
Message transfer between olfactory cells and olfactory bulb
A powerful Turkish Islamic world
Baku Turkish islamic Union Conference