Islamonline, one of the most frequently visited Islamic web sites, carried an article by Harun Yahya titled “The Religion of Darwinism: A Pagan Doctrine from Ancient Times Prevalent Until Today” on 13 October, 2007.
The evolutionary myth, from ancient Greece to modern Europe
The origins of superstitious religion of Darwinism
Lessons for today
Books Today
Ancient Egypt: a magnificent civilization - II
Darwin"s Theory Of Evolution: Contradiction With Religion
Ancient Egypt: a magnificent civilization - I
Darwinists now raise their hopes by importing pagan priests from America
Status of women: Today and tomorrow
Verses from Qur’an indicating prevalence of Islamic moral values
Harun Yahya Representatives in the 6th international Conference Of Mahdism Doctrine
During the end times the statesmen's turning to God and religion accelerated
There will be false religious scholars who demand money to serve the religion in the end times
No Religion Preaches War
Terror has no religion
Religion as described in the Qur'an and the religion of our fathers
The Importance of Religion in Politics
The Rise of religion in British Education
Emotionalism Has No Place In Religion
The Prophet’s (saas) call to religion
Darwinism is a false belief destined to be destroyed in the end times
The Harun Yahya Representatives in The 6th international Conference Of Mahdism Doctrine (islamic Messianism)