We should show the People of the Book the exact same respect they have enjoyed in the time of our Prophet (saas)
The exemplary life of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
As in the past, the presence around him of people who tend towards disbelief will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) from being recognized
The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) opposed all forms of racism
Exemplary Life Of The Prophet (pbuh)
The messenger of Allah: Muhammad (saas)
The Exemplary Justice Of The Prophet (saas)
Memory: Allah’s great blessing
The holy line of Prophet Muhammad (saas): Sayyids
And to Him shall we return
... And to Him shall we return
Allah's mercy toward women
Mehmet Ali Bulut: Allah Will Grant His Help to This People Again
In the first instance people will initially be reluctant to approach Hazrat Mahdi (as). But afterward they will literally rush to join him
Unity is the Way to Get Allah’s Blessings
Acknowledge All of Allah's Blessings
Calculation of the abjad value of the expression '... ALLAH CHOSE HIM AND GUIDED HIM TO A STRAIGHT PATH..' in verse 121 of Surat an-Nahl gives a date of 2002
The fact that the Prophet Jesus (as) will rule with the Qur'an will prevent him from being recognized
The abjad value of the particular part of the verse 247 of Surat al-Baqara; 'ALLAH HAS CHOSEN HIM OVER YOU AND FAVOURED HIM GREATLY IN KNOWLEDGE AND PHYSICAL STRENGTH' denotes year 2027
The exemplary justice of the Prophet (saas)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be followed and watched and they will try to pressurize him
Trust Allah and seek refuge only in Him
The Prophet Muhammad (saas)
The Prophet’s (saas) trust in Allah
Allah will clear Hazrat Mahdi (as) of slanders pointed at Him