The Gulf Today, an English-language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates, devoted a place to Harun Yahya’s article titled “Unity is the Way to Get Allah’s Blessings” on the 04th of July, 2015.
Technology is a blessing of Allah
Water: A blessing from Allah
Unity is the way out for the Islamic world
The only way to take due pleasure from Allah's blessings is faith
Turkey gets its way
Get the doors open to Syria, get trade started
Memory: Allah’s great blessing
The easiness of Islam is a blessing from Allah
Be humble for blessings
The Cambrien Deadlock Of Evolutinists Is Getting Broader
Water: one of Allah's greatest blessings
Acknowledge All of Allah's Blessings
The ''way of speaking'' revealed by Allah in the Qur'an
Smell And Taste: The Blessings Of Allah
To what extent is the European unity accomplished in being a unity?
The spiritual blessings of Ramadan
Believers delight in Allah’s blessings
The blessings around us || The blessings around us
Allah has commanded Muslims to be united, Unity is an obligation
Fostering a sense of unity - 1
The blessings Allah creates for believers in paradise
What is becoming to us is ''Unity''
Mr. Ahmadinejad's call for unity